zphcstore's picture
zphcstore 20


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 84% 10 Quality 90% 10 Delivery 78% 10 Service 80% 10 Pricing 82% 10
LineBackerU's picture
+ 1
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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humpnpump's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 3 (1 vote)

Got in on a promo a few month back and received a $400 store credit. I didn’t receive the correct order that was placed. Communication could use some improvement.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I ordered 160 iu kit of ZPtrop and 3 vials of 5000 hcg.
I received 3 bottles of clomid instead of the hcg I ordered so I want be reviewing the clomid, didn’t need it, would have been better just to not sent anything.
ZPtrop worked well, I used 3.2 iu 5 days a week. Had good results, good pumps, recovery was good, skin look better, stayed lean, nails grew fast had to cut them often, all signs of what I look for in legit HGH. I wasn’t on any Test or supplement while taking the ZPtrop.

Customer service
Average: 3 (1 vote)

John answered me back on the promo and told me how to place the order. Order placed and I just set back and waited but seemed to never ship. So I shot John a message about 2 weeks after the promo had ended and John had it sent the next day. I received clomid instead of HCG, if John could have let me know before shipping, I could of saved him the time and money on the clomid. I would have been good with just the HGH. Let John know that there was a mix up on products received just so he would know, in case shipping was screwing orders up, he might like to know. Never received a response from him.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Pack arrived about 3 weeks after it was shipped and clomid showed up about 5 weeks after shipped. Packages were secure and discreet, and everything was in tact.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
LondonGeordie's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am reviewing my 12 week bulk cycle with zphc store, I was very lucky to participate in the very generous promo these guys were offering.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)


(Tbol 40mg daily)
(500mg test weekly)
(Deca 250mg weekly)

Tbol: started off my cycle with a little kickstarter of 40mg of tbol daily (20mg AM & 20mg PM) Took around a week to start noticing any type of effect. First week muscles were starting to look very full and a lot of veins on show, my strength shot up very quick I was increasing all my lifts very quickly by around around 5-10kg depending on which type of exercise. Training sessions were lasting longer and had a lot more energy in the gym than normal and aggression was high. By end of week 4 was quite a very noticeable change in my physique that’s what I like with a kickstarter for a cycle see quite fast gains and strength while waiting for long esters to kick in.

Test e: So test e was ran at 500mg weekly split into 2 injections (Monday 1cc & Friday 1cc)
Noticed within the first week my sex drive was jumping up quite quick, so assuming potency of the test was good, within 3-4 weeks my weight jumped up 8kilos. Had to start some adex at this point as most of the weight was water, my muscles were looking very full and pumped even when I wasn’t in the gym. Didn’t really notice must side effects just the super oily skin and very minor acne. Normally on 500mg of test I get quite a bit of acne but with this stuff didn’t get much. My endurance at the gym was great, always full of energy & treating the missus good with the high sex drive. Lifting weights was feeling easy my strength was through the roof was lifting heavier on all lifts.

Deca: deca was ran 250mg weekly (0.25cc Monday and Friday) we all know deca takes a while to kick in so didn’t notice must effects quickly of course so when it got to the 8 week mark I was feeling even more stronger, my joints felt amazing no discomfort at all when lifting heavy, I was smashing PRs on all lifts just challenging myself each workout in the gym and everything was great, just wanted to test myself daily as I love to challenge myself! didn’t experience any prolactin side as I was running a low dose but got all the benefits from what you’d expect from deca, didn’t hold much water and look really puffy neither.

Must say iwas very impressed with my 12 week cycle, zphc was a brand I’d heard of years back and was always intrigued to try them so must say thanks to these guys for letting me give them ago!

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Service was great, John was very responsive and fast to respond to emails and was keeping me updated throughout the whole process of when my order was shipped and telling me tracking number etc.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Once I’d been confirmed from the promo a few weeks after I’d received a tracking number and from there it arrived within a week, it’s a promo so obviously they’re not gonna rush an order like a paid one so not gonna complain about that like some other guys do.

Package was discreet as you’d expect from any source.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Must say I was very impressed with the presentation of the zphc labs was all top notch, was very much like receiving some pharma gear.

I wouldn’t hesitate to place an order from these guys in future, everything was perfect going from customer service and quality of products.

I recommend shopping here!
Getbecked33's picture
My overall experience

My experience with the promo was pretty good .....but i didnt write a review right away and got a condescending email about it even tho the promo got me as a customer i put an order in a few days after i got the promo stuff its bin a month no sign of my order and there wed site is down now soo yeah thats great -_- not a fan of getting email that are threatening and being talked to like i owe you something for a promo

Products, effectiveness and results

They seem to be just fine there quality is good

Customer service

Not a fan

Shipping and Delivery

The promo stuff that is outdated came fast the order i paid for after still waiting on ...

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 11/28/2023 - 12:51
dmxinyourface's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

This is a review for a promo. I was really happy and really surprised at the same time as I was not sure if I was picked up or no for the promo.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've received primo and winstrol injectable. I did 400mg of primo with 200mg of winstrol. I did not have any pip, injection were smooth. Products are very potent as I was able to melt fat and bring a clean hard look with veins, cuts and all the good stuff to my physique. My body weight stayed stable but harder as weeks went by.

Customer service
Average: 3 (1 vote)

Ok there is the flaw. I've showed my interest on being in the promo. Even though I've fullfilled an order on the website, the status on the website never changed. To this day it's still ''processing''. Then I emailed many times John. At the begining he was very responsive and then nothing. So I said ok fine, I guess he's not serious and won't send anything. Now the magic. 29 days after NO NEWS, email with a tracking number.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was 3 days at my door, express shipping. Back flip I had to pay some fees 30$ or something but that's ok. I would say it was not packed safely nor discreet. It's pretty miraculous it went through customs.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I like the quality of the products, the speed of delivery. But I think they should work on their communication and on safety/discretion of their package.

I recommend shopping here!
bdub73's picture
My overall experience

First time using this source and the very generous promo. I was unsure what to expect that John's customer service and the fast delivery has given me confidence in zphcstore.

Products, effectiveness and results

I haven't had to change to use the products yet but when I do I will update a new review.

Customer service

John was great from start to finish. John's customer service was outstanding.

Shipping and Delivery

I think the process, from the time I place my order to delivery was approximately 7 to 10 days. Outstanding delivery time in my opinion.

Price to performance
Additional comments

John's customer service alone gave me confidence and using the source again. After I have a chance to use the products I will update or post a new review. Thank you for such a generous promo!

I recommend shopping here!
Allycat's picture
My overall experience

First time ever ordering steroids and I’m a woman. So I was nervous and skeptical due to lots of scam sites. This is NOT a scam site. John was very prompt in replying. I got my shipment in exactly one week from my purchase. So far stuff seems great, I ordered Winstrol. They also sent me some free samples I’ve been using. Both are great quality products. So far no side effects and I’m going on week 3 of my cycle, I will definitely order from ZPHCSTORE again. Quick responses, quick shipping, great quality product. Thank you for making my first experience pleasant. Much appreciated.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

Quick and prompt! Tracking info received within 3 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will be using them for future orders!

I recommend shopping here!
pranet111's picture
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Drexyl's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

John is fantastic. From start to finish he gives a sense of urgency from his end. This was my first experience with GH, and it will be ongoing as the benefits I’m experiencing are a great addition. Communication was stellar and he is dedicated to keeping his customers concerns well attended to.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hgh, 1.6IU per vial. Clean white product that dissolved fully and was crystal clear.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As previously stated, John is fantastic and friendly. He will answer any and all questions with a demeanor that puts you at ease. If you’re on the fence about ZPHC store, just start a conversation with him, he’ll be happy to answer all questions and work through any concerns you may have.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 3 (1 vote)

I’d like to give more stars here, but we have to be honest here. I will say adjustments to his delivery method were made, switched from carrier pigeon to stork, stork is always best, for future purchases I’m sure I’ll be able to give 5 full stars. There was a hiccup in the beginning, but he made it right. Very right, even threw in an unnecessary extra to make up for any inconvenience the hiccup may have caused. If the previous comments on his thread were a concern, which they legitimately were, you may rest assured there are no problems now and the shipments arrive fast and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Being my first go with GH, it’s been a great experience that I’m going to continue. I will one hundred percent purchase this again from John. Starting at a dose of 2IU gave a nice feeling of better health and general appearance. Being new with the medication, I reached out to some members with knowledge (thank you guys, you know who you are) and just the small change of ramping things up to 3IU was the needed adjustment. Definitely changes to the physique, but the sense of better health was remarkable including better sleep. That alone is a huge plus for me. To sum it up, I feel bad for the lower delivery rating, especially as he did make things better than satisfactory, future reviews will certainly reflect that. Give ZPHCSTORE a try guys, you won’t be disappointed. Thank you John.

I recommend shopping here!
Roostable's picture
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

This is a brand I'd not heard of before so was unsure what to expect but really really happy with the overall service and quality and will be reordering. Very slick site too which always makes for a better customer experience

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Came in a shrink wrapped plastic with holographic on it and the box itself was great with 5 vials per tray also foil wrapped. Not seen packaging like this from a none pharma source before personally

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

This I think could do with slight improvement but I think they are new here so although there was a miscommunication between staff on here and staff who manage the site it was quickly resolved.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Seller was unsure how to post at first to uk but then got this resolved again just teething issues I believe

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have been doing a blast on this gh running 10 units per day Monday to Friday then weekends off. The pumps and fat loos have been great with this dosing 2iu per time 5x per day. Notice by Friday I'm up zbout 4lb of water which is then gone by Monday morning. The price of this stuff is amazing and I am going to be ordering more this week which I think is testament to how good the products and service was

I recommend shopping here!
yanksfan's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

as happy and honored to be part of ZPHCSTORE promo for $200 of samples. Commination was great and package arrived perfectly. Requested Tren E and Deca was little upset that got Test E as i am on TRT already.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Ran the promo Deca with my TRT for 5 weeks it was smooth and clean. No noticeable PIP. Had ok results again only 5 weeks but happy with it, felt it helped with my joint and muscle soreness. Notice a ice increase in muscle fullness as well. All in all ZPHCSTORE, truly top notch.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

A+ on all communication

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Arrived quickly Domestic

Price to performance
Additional comments

Again was part of my promo but prices are comparable to others. Service was good.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 10/18/2023 - 16:07
sandyravage's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Seamless experience from start to finish. Website was easy to navigate and clean(wasn't covered in clutter and ads). Every little detail of their operation and products came off very professional and I'll be happy to purchase from them again.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4 Test Cyp 200: Coming off of a sports trt cruise of 200mg per week I decided to blast for 8 weeks at 600mg per week. My last blast was 500mg and I can say that the increase of 100mg p/w was very noticeable. Gained 9lbs and was back to crushing the log book(Its very hard to beat the log book when I cruise). Mentally that's a big win for me. Libido was very strong and idk If that extra 100mg pushed me over the edge but felt much more kinky and explorative lol. I usually prefer mct as a carrier oil but the tea seed oil used flowed great through a 25g and I didn't get any pip or knots.
As noted by others I couldn't help but commend them on the packaging. When you've purchased a fair bit of gear you see similar boring vials. The amount of detail used in the box and the vial itself was very impressive. The box just looked and felt like it came from a pharmacy. It even had some weight to it. The vials were tall with thick glass and the raised lettering. Almost made me not want to use it. Obviously quality of gear comes first but the gear being great and the aesthetics being so as well made the product that much more impressive.
The verification system was a great additional touch and all of my codes worked. Even more impressive was that if you re-entered the code it would tell you that the product had already been checked so that gave even more reassurance.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Contact was minimal as wasn't much needed and the process went by very smoothly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was very very discreet. For the sake of opec ill be vague but I'll say that I've never encountered that much precaution from any other source. As a customer this was a big turn on that they didn't skimp or be lazy in regards to these measures.
Took 6 days to receive my order which I am more than happy with

Price to performance
Additional comments

Extremely professional source and great quality gear that I will no doubt be using again

I recommend shopping here!
edited 09/24/2023 - 00:53
Therock1981's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good, very helpfull, always fast too reply too comments

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very impressed first time using this labs test, my mood was great, my sex drive was amazing, i take 2mls a week monday and thursday, product look amazing, the bottles very Impressive, i always use test cyp as my base, i get good solid pumps, im still using the test cyp, and gains are coming on nicley.
Customer service

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Amazing, ordwring very easy, always answerd any questions

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very Discreet,

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recomend

I recommend shopping here!
Tony Bag O doughnussss's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I was chosen for one of the promos a couple months back. The whole process was a great experience. I have no complaints about this place from the gear to the customer service everything checks out!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received
X2 injectable superdrol
X1 sustanon 250
X1 Bayer proviron

I ran the injectable superdrol at 25 mg (half a Cc) every day pre workout. I had very intense workouts in the gym and felt as though I can go for hours. I didn’t gain much weight I stayed the same but my strength went up a lot. I was sweaty like a mofo after every session too and the pumps were insane!
I switched from one sustanon to another and I felt no difference if anything I felt better on this test than the other test. I ran the test at 750 a week MWF injections. When taking proviron I can’t really tell any results. One this I noticed when I got on the proviron. Is my labido was very high. Probably a combo of the I jectables and proviron.
All gear was pip free and on the clean side. Presentation was very nice too.
I also did not experience high blood pressure issues like I have in the last with superdrol

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communications weee fast and very open. I ordered and they sent my tracker and package when they said. Answered all questions. Also they don’t hound you for a review wich I like.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

TD to the US was very fast for INTL took less than 10 days I am very impressed. If I did not know what was in the package when receiving it I would have not been able to tell what was in there. The package was cleverly packed IMO never saw anything g like it

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you have not tried this gear I recommend. I was very happy with everything here. To me it’s more than good gear some times. If you have good gear but your customer service sucks I’m not messing with ya. It’s very important to take care of customer and I felt that way here they are awesome

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/26/2023 - 14:19
  • [SRC] zphcstore » Thank you for your feedback and recommendation! We greatly value your opinion and are thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with our products and customer service. We agree – providing both quality gear and exceptional customer service is of utmost importance to us. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to ensure you have a reliable and satisfying experience with ZPHC Store.
GabrielGolembiewski's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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  • Brozowski265 » What came in on time? Have you tried said product? Been running it for how long?. Dosage? Etc etc?
Cjames502's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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  • [MOD] Greg » Way too early for a review of long esters. What's the rush? Review at the end of the cycle or at least 6 weeks in.
  • Cjames502 » Was just trying to give credit to the source, received an email from them. I apologize.
  • [MOD] Greg » Are you an eroids member or a shill for the source? Give credit where credit is due WHEN it is due.
  • Cjames502 » 5 weeks is definitely long enough to leave a fucking review. This was the first time I’ve EVER had my karma up to almost 10, and then you come out of nowhere and now I’m back down to 2. All because you think my review was “too soon” ?? Other members was comment or the pictures and stuff that I posted to that sources page. Nothing I did was wrong, you just trying to be a douche bag.
  • [MOD] Greg » I have info that says otherwise. Also, this statement flies in the face of your apology above. As for your karma, all I did was flag a review which is a net loss of 1. I've done nothing more and yet; you seem to be heading in the wrong direction. Rather than trying to defer blame onto others, man up and be accountable.
shitcake96's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

ZPHC is my go-to shop for any and all of my anabolic needs. A++ overall experience and highly recommended. If you're looking for quality pricing, quality gear, and quality service, look no further. You've struck gold.

Products, effectiveness and results

I've bought and used their Test C 200, Test E 250, Anastrozole, and Clenbuterol. All legit and high quality gear. The Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate both make me feel like a silverback gorilla that isn't sure if he wants to pull himself up, or pull the earth down. Absolutely no PIP unless user error, and I have no extra acne than before (I take anastrozole preemptively on cycle). As with appetite, the Test E solo cycle did give me the munchies, but that is to be expected. My body weight went up, while my body fat percentage went down. I'm 6'1" and currently at 14.7% body fat and weigh 190lbs. I've had zero complications with anything bought from this store. However, please keep in mind that everyone's body is different and some may respond differently than others when using different kinds of gear.

Customer service

John from ZPHC is EXTREMELY patient and responds on time with quality answers to any and all questions, pre and post order. I can be pretty dense sometimes, yet John is always right there to answer anything I ask. I've asked him questions about shipping, differences in products, etc. and he never fails to respond with correct, appropriate, and prompt answers. You'll never find a better customer service representative.

Shipping and Delivery

I've ordered USA Domestic and International shipping right to my door and every time the items were delivered on time and with fantastic packaging. And brother, let me tell you. This is some of the best packaging I've ever seen. I was actually blown away by how cleverly designed it was. There isn't a customs agent alive that will be able to tell that the package they have in their hands contains anabolic steroids.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • Diesel77 » Didn't know this source also carried Balkan Pharmaceuticals....nice!
brobin333's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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  • [MOD] Greg » Only one review per order. You can edit this one when you're ready. in the interim, READ the review guidelines.
CHARVEL's picture
My overall experience

Test cyp 250 mg A week for 6 weeks
Proviron 50 mg per day

Leaning out
Was easy on me , mood was great, just had to keep calories low. Test cyp increases my appetite but I battled through food craving easily enough. Ultimately body fat dropped … proviron gave a sorta marble texture to the muscle fibers. Very good products. No acne

Customer service was prompt
Packaged very well

Deliver was 14 days international

Products, effectiveness and results

High quality effective

Customer service

Prompt costumer service

Shipping and Delivery

14 days international…packed very secure

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/21/2023 - 23:51
cshelton7's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY, because after placing an Order on June 23, 2022 and confirming
BTC Payment for 3 items: Test Enanthate ZPHC / Test Cypionate ZPHC / Mesterlone ZPHC.

I was informed prior to payment that the Mesterlone would require 25+ days for shipment, which I accepted; but I made sure everything I ordered was USA Domestic to ensure quicker shipping times.

Within a week I recieved only 1 item( Enanthate), I contacted Jon regarding the remaining items and was informed that they did a partial shipment from stock and would ship the others, once in stock.

4mos went by before I realized that I had never recieved the items; because it had been so long.
So I contacted Jon, requesting the Tracking Info for the 2nd Shipment so that I could track it myself.

Jon sent an email stating that the order had already been shipped but never stated where it was coming from US or overseas and stated that he would email a Track#; 2 more weeks went by without response. The last email was this week 10/24/22 requested a full refund for those 2 items, which recieved no response.

My opinion as a customer is that ZPHC is disorderly and poorly communicates or rarely delivers on promises, because despite several requests I never recieved an Track# and it takes several days for his company to respond.
People should beware if you purchase from this company, you may not get the product or lose your money!


Products, effectiveness and results

As this was my first experience with Enanthate Test, my body was not as responsive as it is to Cypionate and Propionate for TRT.
So to be fair, I didn't notice any anything in terms of strength, libido, or bulk, so I stopped using it and went back on Cypionate Stack.
That doesn't mean the product wasn't effective; just was taking longer to take effect, even after I bumped the dosage to 2ml.

Customer service

My opinion as a customer is that ZPHC is disorderly and poorly communicates or rarely delivers on promises, because despite several requests I never recieved an Track# and it takes several days for his company to respond.
People should beware if you purchase from this company, you may not get the product or lose your money!

Shipping and Delivery

The Partial Shipment was in Discreet Packaging and arrived Secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

People should beware if you purchase from this company, you may not get the product or lose your money!
I have attached a copy of the email promising a shipment and tracking# that was never delivered.


I do not recommend shopping here!
rgrimes's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I have also placed an order and email emailed John many times with responding Very promptly as long as I was trying to make my payment. as soon as payment was made I sent confirmation emails no replies. many emails have been sent and the only replies I get is when I post the review for to trustpilot and that reply is him pretending that he has not received payment confirmation or any other emails from me and asking me to remove the review. It’s been several weeks now no sign of shipping product just him taking my payment and pretending that I haven’t made it. I honestly think the reason he has good trustpilot reviews is he forms email responses without your replies and then contest the reviews later with trustpilot to have them removed showing only his emails stating that he is trying to work with us and getting no replies so they remove the “bogus review”.

Products, effectiveness and results

Never received.

Customer service

I have also placed an order and email emailed John many times with responding Very promptly as long as I was trying to make my payment. as soon as payment was made I sent confirmation emails no replies. many emails have been sent and the only replies I get is when I post the review for to trustpilot and that reply is him pretending that he has not received payment confirmation or any other emails from me and asking me to remove the review. It’s been several weeks now no sign of shipping product just him taking my payment and pretending that I haven’t made it. I honestly think the reason he has good trustpilot reviews is he forms email responses without your replies and then contest the reviews later with trustpilot to have them removed showing only his emails stating that he is trying to work with us and getting no replies so they remove the “bogus review”.

Shipping and Delivery

Never arrived.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 06/07/2022 - 21:47