kth3446's picture
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i20bpm's picture

Pm him maybe its something with his or your email and it isn't getting through or something

Trapsquatch's picture

Hey man just to ease your mind these guys are doing way to good everywhere to burn you for 500 dollars they would not tarnish their rep,If you are being legit and have your emails to prove purchase hit them up here or through a different email address on their contact us area on their website they will take care of you....

Redman88's picture

Appreciate that man, but after what I went through a couple years ago I'm always skeptical. All I needed was a response and I'd be fine, but just radio silence. I'm waiting to hear back and sent a FR a couple days ago. I'll try going that route again. I couldn't imagine that they would but you never know, ya know?

cltleo's picture

new website

Hench's picture

Can't get messages to go through on website. Is there a minimum?

cltleo's picture

the old website said 100 but they new one doesn't say....

expressdomestic's picture

Sorry I havn't posted anything in a while, I have trouble getting in here with the new captcha thing going on, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

zeb0312's picture

DAM same here that captcha stuff i have to refresh it 10 times before i can read what the hell it says lol

Hench's picture

Ownership not verified?!? Someone didn't pay the rent.....how's this source guys? Know what type oil they use?

i20bpm's picture

Ownership not verified doesn't mean they didn't pay the rent lol, from what I understand the verification process can take up to 6 months and I believe its safflower oil if I'm not mistaken

geshen's picture

Anyone used the Liquid Anavar?

mus500's picture

Ownership not verified?

BradRage's picture

Can anyone tell me how to injectable anadrol is. I have some on the way just wanting to know what to expect. I have done the oral tabs from two different places one was garbage and one was the most potent shit I've ever done that was almost ten years ago they were the green ones that's all I'm sayin.

herculesstrength75's picture

Email system on his site not working

herculesstrength75's picture

What is the email yo send a pm the message system on site is not working?

goinpro2012's picture

I've had succes here: [email protected]

rogban's picture

Blood pressure is greatly affected by water retention. Eliminate the simple carbs and eat low sodium and even on a cycle of dbol and deca your BP will go down...

PoundForPound's picture

You can look it up

hulk17's picture

Best place in town guys on his game and his word is gold if he says it he means it prime source from here on out thanks for the good work

BradRage's picture

I had a buddy of mine ask me if he could try some, so I hesitantly let him get one of my NPP and one Test prop. I let a week go bye and I asked him how he felt, with a big smile he said he was on cloud nine, obviously the euphoric signs of good test prop, I warned him once he tried it he wouldn't want to stop, but like me he is in his mid thirties so its not like he's 18.

wildbilltoc's picture

The eagle has landed

kth3446's picture

I'm surprised I'm getting so little pip from the injectable anadrol, i like it for pre workout. on the dark side I'm breaking out like i never have, i should have thought ahead better. Oral adrol makes me break out hard so i should have known injectable would also.

biceps71's picture

Tried placing order site wouldn't check out, also tried emailing to order site wouldn't let me email , pm sent

Steveking1980's picture

May need to read back a few pages-I think the site changed address-I'm thinking I read it a lil while ago-hope it helps-

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wildbilltoc's picture

Anyone tried the eq? Liquid anadrol??? Mast e??? Thank you.

sitnspin45's picture

Im using the anadrol now wild bill. Its only been a week but I definitely notice the strength increase. I have not used one compound from E2 that hasnt been fire.