kth3446's picture
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sitnspin45's picture

amen brother! thats why I've always tried to catch sources that are just starting out and hungry to put out good gear.. This dude is a regular Joe just like us, except he brews gear far better than I can lol

I want him to get popular because he deserves it, but selfishly I'd like to keep him for myself Smile

expressdomestic's picture

It's really nice to hear that you guys are happy, Post pics in the self pics section when you can, it always helped me to let people critique me whether on forums or in real life.

Jc74s's picture

I posted a pic a while back give me some insight

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Trapsquatch's picture

LoL I feel the same way bro awesome gear at a great price

Trapsquatch's picture

Anyone try the proviron I am getting tempted to try it

kth3446's picture

I havnt ran a cycle without provi for a long time. it really is an essential part of my healthy balanced gear diet.

Trapsquatch's picture

haha,4 real man Proviron is an awesome drug it helps you make the most of your other AAS as well as many other things.

sitnspin45's picture

Just ordered some so I'll let ya know

Trapsquatch's picture

Yeah dude keep me updated I am interested I am sure it will be awesome

i20bpm's picture

Just wrote a short article on potential dangers of heating your gear up in syringes, I recommend you check it out.

Trapsquatch's picture

If only you could run NPP forever LoL

i20bpm's picture

Lol I feel ya bro its a addition

enhancedlife's picture

Why not ? Mild compound

Jc74s's picture


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Trapsquatch's picture

Not at a therapeutic dose more like 525mg A week LoL.The pumps are just not quite the same without it LoL

enhancedlife's picture

I would just taper up and down . If you like a compound use it. I much prefer deca myself tho

Trapsquatch's picture

My legs are shaking bro stop The mind is strong but the flesh is weak LOL don't make me cave in

Trapsquatch's picture

I love this source keep up the good work

bulldog3117's picture

How do I friend expressdomestic2 or I can't because they are not verified? I can't find their name anywhere.

Jc74s's picture

Send him a email he can't talk about gear on here

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BradRage's picture

Has anyone tried the tren ace? So far everything I've tried is spot on strength, aggression and libido are rockin. But if someone would hit me up on the tren I would appreciate it.

i20bpm's picture

Man when are you guy's going to verify this source its been a minute and I see nothing but good things

goinpro2012's picture

Any plans on adding TNE to the line up?

expressdomestic's picture

I can't really say on here i don't think but you have my contact info and that is always the best way to reach us.

Jc74s's picture

What's up man .Hope everything is well

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kth3446's picture

That was you running their eq right?

Jc74s's picture

Npp man

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kth3446's picture

Hey buddy, havnt talked to you in a while. how's that stack going?