WESELLMEDS.COM 23 Claim this!


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Domestic 10 days, International 21 days

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Western Union

RxEasyMeds's picture

Hi WeSellMeds if you need meds in UK for your clients. so then contact me i'll be deliver. or wanna drop shipping that will also?

logan's picture

Are you fuckin kidding me? You are the biggest scammer on here. How the hell you haven't been banned yet is beyond me.

roidjunky79's picture


RxEasyMeds's picture

Oh man just bad custom issue from Pakistan. so some people have got their order late by in this reason we got some bad feedback. now everything goes well.

K-E-A's picture

Well I guess I was right after all a few months back. I cancelled my transfer after Jinnah dissapeared for 12-13 days. Then, everyone started getting their stuff and, of course, I was pissed that I'd cancelled. However, believe it or not, a few days later, my package arrived! Then J was mad because the money was no longer there! She had sent it without actually picking up the funds first. So she didn't have the funds but neither did I. I did not send it in my name so I'm still playing hell trying to get it back and had EVERY intention of sending J what I owed when I did. But fuck Jinnah. Now that I see she has screwed over so many of you, I actually think it's kind of funny that she didn't get paid! I just had a bad feeling about WSM's after the first few issues. I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! I just thought Jinnah would dissapear a few months earlier than she did. Sorry for those of you who lost money. And always remember, NEVER put too much faith in someone you've never met!

CaptainInsano's picture

I did some research and found a full name for Jinnah on some Indian (I assume) networking site.



CaptainInsano's picture

Fuck. He was a good source. I have gotten all my orders. I am sorry for those of you who didn't. I am in the same damn boat with two other sources now. I just got ripped by them.

toastie's picture

Sorry to hear that. Which other sources ripped you out of interest?

prism's picture

all the comments about how he didnt take your money well he took my money when he new he coulnt supply and alot of other people got fuck so stop trying to make him look good when he fucked enough people to cover his own losses just be thankfull irt wasnt u

Eminemsroyaltys's picture

I was saying that in hopes that it was a sign that he would return. It wasn't a haha he didn't burn me caus I've been burned a few times to know how pissed and used it makes you feel. I'm sorry you got screwed but karma is a bitch and who knows what will come out of this.
Any idea on where this guy is or who he is. He's obviously associated with Shaz why the fuck else would shaz be a name on his site.

RxEasyMeds's picture

Shaz is another pharmacy not same guy.

prism's picture

i have no idea who he is or how to get ahold of him...we wont hear from them again they dont return emails and i've tried all of them there's nothing worse than a thief except a lier and he's or she got both covered

Kazaa's picture

There went my 100 bucks.. Good thing i just made a small order to test this scammer :o(

toastie's picture

Really painful to see this...

roidjunky79's picture

I tried to warn people, i knew this source would eventually turn scammer

Eminemsroyaltys's picture

Bummer. This guy was very good for a while:( I'm sure he's in some shit right now...Not sure but there was some financial issues with them recently...oh well.

italian92101's picture

true, i remember him getting fucked for a big order.............. he said

Eminemsroyaltys's picture

Well he refused to take my money untill he had cleared up back orders and had enough available supply for business.
That tells me he's working it out. Maybe.

CaptainInsano's picture

He would not take my money, but I did ask if my item were currently in stock. This sucks.

park's picture

He would take my money neither

italian92101's picture

hope so, was good to me.........

park's picture

There goes that one...wish I would have stocked up :/

italian92101's picture

x 2 my friend............ :(

prism's picture

i've used that email and no reply for a week

BFG's picture

According to their website they have some server issues, I presume [email protected] email doesn't work, try their alternative email: [email protected]

This doesn't explain why the site owner is ignoring everyone here though.

toastie's picture

J i sent you an email on [email protected] yesterday, awaiting a reply, thanks

prism's picture

i recieved my small order of vicodin but never got the larger order

shedph's picture

At least its somethin bud.i trust j to get our stuff to us but its just gonna take time if hes havin probs .

prism's picture

i'm not getting my hopes up i said what i had to say there's no use slamming them anymore i get real pissed when i get lied to 90% of this could have been avoided if they would have been staight up front with me but all this stalling and exscuses just gets a person back up

toastie's picture

A lot of people are wondering whats going on J. It would be nice and courteous for a simple update.