MurderHornet2020's picture
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+ 2 12 Week Mass Cycle


Good morning you sexy animals! I'm excited to share the core components of my upcoming cycle, centered around Anadrol and Test. I've devised a straightforward plan, alternating Anadrol at 50mg daily, every two weeks. While I have Arimidex as a precaution, my previous cycle went smoothly without any adverse effects. My intention is to engage in a 12-week cycle, followed by 8 weeks of rest, all with the aim of achieving substantial gains. The journey begins in the first week of September. Looking forward to the progress ahead! Apologize for the delay in updates. Started a new career and got engaged! Booty on demand is fantastic.

Week/ProductTestosterone EnanthateAnadrolArimidex
1500mg50mg dailystand by
2500mg 50mg daily
5500mg 50mg daily
6500mg 50mg daily
13 OFF
14500 IU Daily
15500 IU Daily
16 40 Daily AM/PM100 Daily AM/PM
17 40 Daily AM/PM100 Daily AM/PM
1840 Daily AM/PM50 Daily AM/PM
1940 Daily AM/PM50 Daily AM/PM
MurderHornet2020's picture

As I wrap up week 8, I wanted to provide an update. Overall, the cycle went smoothly, but unfortunately, I've found that Anadrol doesn't agree with me, so I won't be completing the final steroid pulse.

I attempted to split the dose into 25 mg twice a day, but I still experienced hot flashes, high blood pressure, and shortness of breath. For my next cycle, I'm considering using D-Bol instead.

I’ll post some progress pictures soon.

lundgren's picture

Nice ! What lab ?
About Anadrol what effect do you get from it ?

MurderHornet2020's picture

I can’t source talk here, but I will be doing a review of my gear in the review page in 6 weeks or so.

This will be my first time pulsing Anadrol, so I can not speak from experience. I’m using it as a pre workout 2 hours before at 25 MGS then 25 MGS later in the day to keep blood levels stable. I’m counting on it to give me savage pumps. Hopefully more size.

lundgren's picture

Oh my godness your right ... I usually discuss on the photo of the products and here it's not the same rules.
But for Log i'm not sure.

Do you notice some change on "mental" side with Anadrol ? About appetit ?

Yes Anadrol are strange compound because the ration andro are low but metabolite have a impact on the receptor so some gain are from the water.

I appreciate low dose of Nolva 10mg when i use Anadrol 50mg, that's help for some side effect, incluted the bad feeling made by Anadrol (or his metabolites).

If your liver cry when your take Anadrol, try to take in one time for exemple morning and take supplement for helping your liver like N-Acetyl-Cystein (on empty stomach) , milk thistle with high % silymarin 3 time day.

About your lipids some change ? (if your sending a blood work before and after)

Proviron for pct not a good idea.

1-4 weeks : HCG 800 to 1000 ui's twice week
5-9 weeks : Clomid 50mg daily

I tried only Nolvadex one time, low dose 10mg daily work very well, but drop my estradiol (or crash) a lot.

lundgren's picture

Oh my godness your right ... I usually discuss on the photo of the products and here it's not the same rules.
But for Log i'm not sure.

Do you notice some change on "mental" side with Anadrol ? About appetit ?

Yes Anadrol are strange compound because the ration andro are low but metabolite have a impact on the receptor so some gain are from the water.

I appreciate low dose of Nolva 10mg when i use Anadrol 50mg, that's help for some side effect, incluted the bad feeling made by Anadrol (or his metabolites).

If your liver cry when your take Anadrol, try to take in one time for exemple morning and take supplement for helping your liver like N-Acetyl-Cystein (on empty stomach) , milk thistle with high % silymarin 3 time day.

About your lipids some change ? (if your sending a blood work before and after)

Proviron for pct not a good idea.

1-4 weeks : HCG 800 to 1000 ui's twice week
5-9 weeks : Clomid 50mg daily

I tried only Nolvadex one time, low dose 10mg daily work very well, but drop my estradiol (or crash) a lot.

MurderHornet2020's picture

So I seen from my source that there is a compound he’s got called perfect PCT, it’s an all in one. The directions are to take it for four weeks and it includes the following:

50mg Clomid
10mg Proviron
5mg Aromison
10mg Nolvadex

You guys every use anything like that? Usually I do HCG, Nova and Clomid.

Badgoat1's picture

From experience do not use this. I've used a compound like this and did not recover well. Had to do a second pct.

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Makwa's picture

Provi has shown to be suppressive in some individuals. I wouldn't use it. Stick with clomid/nolva.

lundgren's picture

lot people give this mistake :-( some good advice here, thanks Makwa (^_^)

MurderHornet2020's picture

Sounds good! TYTY

MurderHornet2020's picture

Thanks guys will change to a 12 week cycle with 8 weeks off cycle. So this is my 3rd cycle. I know in the past I got great results from just test. Do you guys think for a third cycle I should add another compound? Or just stick with the test since I’m still getting gains from that.

I do really like the idea of a pre workout AAS which is got me thinking TNE. What dose do you think is appropriate for a first time TNE user?

Got a blood test place, Quest, right next to my house which is nice so I’ll post up that when I get it done.

Makwa's picture

I always liked to use the TNE for let's say special occasions, like a big chest or back day in the final weeks of my overcompensation stage of my routine where I know it is going to be real grind. Using it ED the uniqueness wears off and you just seem to get accustomed to it, kind of like caffeine, your body eventually gets used to it and you don't get the rush/energy from it you used to at first, but you become dependent on it just to function now Lol

Catalyst's picture

Three trains of thought here.

1) If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. No reason why a simple test cycle isn’t going to do the business again.

2) You could go simply same compound again, slight dose increase.

3) You could add in a second compound. An oral, maybe a test prop kick to get things rolling faster.

I like TNE and test suspension pre workouts, but it does mean you’ll be pinning considerably more regularly. Depends how up for that you are. If so, 50mg is enough. I’d be more inclined to save TNE for a bit further down the line personally. I don’t mind the pinning, but it can get real tiresome for some people.

Hope that helps. Eat properly, train hard and you’ll move in the right direction whatever path you choose. Best of luck mate.

Makwa's picture

I was thinking the same thing. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it.

Jockstrap's picture

500mg test. 400mg npp. 300mg masteron e. Great pumps, faster onset with npp and masteron keeps excess water down. 12 weekers

MurderHornet2020's picture

That’s one my my biggest fears next to gyno

Catalyst's picture

Makwa has you well informed below. After 14-16 weeks you’re going to get very little out of this gains wise. Better to recover and regroup to go again further down the line.

Makwa's picture

Just a heads up before you get to deep into this. Your myostatin levels are going to be sky high after 12-14 weeks really preventing any further gains. That is why we don't run cycles for 6 months at a pop. We need to reset those myostatin levels so we can get back on the gain train. There are some things we can do to cheat the myostatin cap but it can be unheaalthy and the risk to reward benefit is not there for the average gym rat using AAS. Stick to 3month cycles with at least a couple months off and you will gain more in the long run and be healthier for it also.

Shitforbrains's picture

What do you think about EQ cycles Makwa? Or would you run them at a 3 month cap as well. The reason I ask is cause I’m running EQ, Tren Ace and sust and I didn’t really gain any traction until my 6th week in. Kinda bummed me out not gonna lie, I expected the tren to kick in faster which it’s always done for me.

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Makwa's picture

Really the only compounds that deserve to be ran longer to get the full potential out of them are EQ and primo. EQ needs to be ran sufficiently long because it has such a long ester. Takes a long time for that ester cleave and reach peak saturation. 16wk min for that and I wouldn't bother going over 20wks. Primo is another one that can benefit from a longer run. Primo is more of a cutting run and it can take 20+ weeks to get to 5% BF if you want to spare as much mass as possible. I wouldn't use primo for 20 wks to try and gain mass though.

Edit: Deca is also worth a long run on the lines of EQ due to ester

Shitforbrains's picture

I appreciate you bro. I figured this was gonna be your answer but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t running EQ to long. I’ll cap that shit off at 20 weeks.

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Mac12769's picture

Consider maybe a 2 week Adrol bump in middle if it starts to slow for you….if you have some experience throwing that in. It can help sometimes.

Makwa's picture

You will know when it is time to bail when you stop gaining weight or body comp doesn't seem to be changing.

Shitforbrains's picture

I agree with you there. Once I’m noticing a lack in performance and gains I cut off.

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