Nate Burris's picture
Nate Burris
  • 2

+ 1 All I use and it's the most iv ever used. As far as ped's


Z3rox t3stopex 1oo/1o lM1L , bio-d3, methy-l. And epi-test vintage muscle and iv had remarkable results

Week/ProductTestosterone EnanthatePCTEpi
10End OfCycle
11TrtTrt Trt
Sirjtmorgan's picture

It's a fun journey, lots of hard work.

Jockstrap's picture

I would choose to not go the tapering route. If you know the ester and clearance times for pct then thats a simple direction. If you are on trt then use your trt dose post cycle.

Sirjtmorgan's picture

Good point

Pumped_'s picture

Ive never understood the pros and cons of tapering if there is enough science proving either or is better. Anyone care to enlighten me or is it more a personal preference? Never tapered so yes i am the newbie on this subject.

DeeMan's picture

At the end of the day too much estrogen creates a negative feedback loop to the HPTA. When body is in homeostasis only then test production resumes. That's the key. Tampering "attempts" to make this easier. It works for some and not others.

DeeMan's picture

Well some may disagree with tampering because it's debatable but that's all the old school 70's bodybuilders did. They didn't seem to have an issue with it from what I know. If anything estrogen levels should decrease due to less testosterone being aromatised. I've heard all the cons for not tampering and alot of them make sense but in my opinion I wouldn't say tampering is totally useless because I've done it along with a few other guys I know, and we didn't seem to have an issue. It can also be argued that tampering actually lessens time to start pct due to smaller dosages which results in smaller half life of the hormone itself. Now let me be clear...I don't recommend tampering at 5 or 6 weeks simply because that's peaking time for most hormones. Basically you'd be short cutting your gains. If you tamper at least make sure you've hit peak levels for those gains. But hey I respect everyone's opinion.

Makwa's picture

No good reason to taper. Makes estro management a real bitch with constantly changing test levels. Delays onset of peak plasma levels and also delays PCT. Myostatin levels constantly increase during a cycle and tapering off is just a waste since lowering AAS levels is counterproductive to overcoming the increases in myostatin. You want to get to peak plasma levels as quickly as possible and maintain that for as long as possible and then get into PCT as quickly as possible to recover and reset homeostasis in your body.

Pumped_'s picture

Thank you guys for enlightening me on the subject. I no longer feel like a newbie in this field

DeeMan's picture

Hey man no one knows it all.

Nate Burris's picture

Thank you as well for advice from my cycle. I will try to maximize my next cycle and will post results and tag to this thread. Yeah buddy. Just a question running just test. Prop and a stack what would you run that for a cycle. Ps amount of weeks and dosages per use and week pls and thanks

Makwa's picture

What is your TRT dose of test?

Nate Burris's picture

When cycling I was taking test propionate. 30 min before training usually 50mg and that would be morning 1 hr post first meal. And supps.

DeeMan's picture

Unfortunately test prop won't get into your system 30 minutes prior to working out.

Pumped_'s picture

Im not a short ester runner. One of these guys may be and got that answer

Nate Burris's picture

Test c instead of prop. 200 1ml. Once a week and I was taking a blend of DIM and HMB

Makwa's picture

I don't get why you would pin less than your TRT dose for half your cycle.

Nate Burris's picture

Bc after running trt I would start my new cycle this is only my 1 st year on ped's. That being said iv been competitive powerlifter total of 1785. And clean and lifting for 15 years. Now doing bodybuilding or general lean look with Frame of 6' 1" 255 15percent body fat

DeeMan's picture

Ok so that's why you have epi- test.

Pumped_'s picture

Edit: sorry i deleted my question i though it said epi pen lol.

DeeMan's picture

I gotcha

Makwa's picture

Running your TRT dose is more anabolic than your cycle. I am not getting the logic here.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Be best just staying at one dose mate. No need to taper up and down. Good job staying at low dose while you still gain off it though.

In a promo × 1
Nate Burris's picture

Thank you and appreciate the advice

DeeMan's picture

I'm a low dose cycle man myself but this is probably the lowest I've seen. How were your gains from this cycle? Also the only epi I know of is Epi- Testosterone, as in the hormone that's used to beat doping test. Well it was the old method of cheating blood tests at least. Edit....the tampering down is definitely old school and I can't speak on arimidex because I don't use any ai.

Nate Burris's picture

I had fantastic result, yes the micro dose taper is what Dexter Jackson said he would do when he started and it was a great transition in to his mass monster phase. But pre Olympia was a similar method I had a 8kg increase 12lbs muscle retained about 9 hardly any water. Little to No estro.