Fitchick35's picture
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+ 1 Female Cycle log (Anavar and Clen)


Height: 5’1 Weight: 141lbs
I bought the Sixpex products on the site Steroidify: Clenpex and Oxapex

I’ll do my best to do weekly logs.

My goal is to compete in a bodybuilding show and hopefully help some females out there who wants to run anavar and clen cycle. I always find it helpful reading other female’s logs.

⭐️My log ⭐️ and my apologies for a messy start. It looks unorganized and this week I’ll fix it.

Day 1-2 didn’t feel anything much 5mg anavar 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the afternoon. Clen about 20mcg. My heart rate is up but at the same time I feel tired. I really thought that I’ll feel the opposite. The more energized feel.

On my 3rd day I decided to take pre. I didn’t take too much and was cautious about what my body’s reaction if I combined the two. Basically, 200-250 mg of pre with 20 Clem still. My entire scoop of preworkout was about 400mg. It’s the Thuper Thavage one by Cbum.

On day 4-6 I didn’t feel much except for occasionally lifting a tiny bit more on certain machines. I thought I got a bunk supplement, but I decided to give it a chance and bump my dosages.

Day 7 increased to 7.5 mg and divided it to 3 doses every 9 hours. My voice change a tad bit and was trying to sing a high pitch tone to check. I do have to alter my voice a bit to make it match to the way it was before.

Day 8 I decided to increase it to 30 and woke up the next day and lost an inch around my waist. I decided to get instant coffee (no sugar or creamer) just straight hot coffee ☕️

My stomach feels and looks a tiny bit better. My muscles feel harder I think --

Day 9 lost an inch which surprised me and I now lost my appetite. I am having a hard time eating more food. Things that I would devour in a minute has become a chore to eat. My stomach just feels full. Currently looking at my food right now and yeah… I’ll just eat it later --

Energy wise… I feel alert. My hunger seems to be not as bad. My heart rate is ok and nothing too crazy.

6 days in on 5 mg of Var. I didn’t notice strength as much I would imagine. However, I get occasional strength on certain machines. It’s not much though.

My voice change isn’t too drastic. It’s pretty tiny change, and I know by time it would change with more cycles.

Lost weight 141lbs and currently 136.5 lbs

I used Sarms a couple of cycles years prior. I used Rad140, Ostarine, Cardarine GW501516, and GW0742. I interchange so Rad and gw or Ostarine with GW.

The gains I have with 10mg Rad140 was a bit more when I first hopped on it than Anavar. Probably why I expected more. Voice change a bit while on Rad but when I stop it for 16 week cycles (long I know). My usual voice comes back to normal.

Too bad Chemyo is giving me horrible rashes that I think is an allergy from something. I’m not sure if they change something. Whatever it is the side effects is not worth it at all so now I’m here switching to Anavar and Clenbuterol

Week/ProductTestosterone EnanthatePCTDianabol
JakeKO's picture

I don’t think you will really see any real gains from the Var until you hit two weeks. I’ve never seen a preworkout benefit from Var. Have you ever considered Winstrol? My wife won’t go near var anymore. She claims that it bloats her up. She prefers Winstrol and only runs it at 10mg per day for two weeks. It seems to bulk her while she’s on it, but leans up immediately once she comes off and keeps seeing progress for a month after coming off.

Fitchick35's picture

Ah I see! I appreciate the input. I’ll wait it out and see. I’ll try out Winstrol on my next cycle. It’s kinda cool that she leaned out after she ran it specially after months coming off it. That’s amazing! How was her voice though. Is there slight changes? Is 2 weeks a normal cycle for Winstrol on women?

Toproll's picture

My gf noticed more gains on 10mg ostarine than 10mg anavar (legit var, had it tested). Curious, how were your gains on Ostarine and what dose did you take? I think sarms are generally better for women than AAS, at least in terms of side effects, and i'd even argue gains as well. As long as you are on ostarine or even S4, you shouldn't get the virilization sides that you can get with AAS. Even on 10mg var, my gf misses periods, gets acne, clit gets bigger, and even lowered her voice a little. On ostarine, she got literally none of those sides yet gained even more than with var. Granted, she was training for strength, not to lose weight. Hell, she got a 225 bench weighing only 135 lbs on Ostarine.

Fitchick35's picture

I just switched cuz I was getting crazy itchy rashes. I have to immediately stop cuz the rash was so bad. I have it on my face too. Once I stopped, the ones on my body disappeared. My face just remained red and itchy. When I cover it up with foundation, it’s not noticeable.

I never broke out like acne on Sarms. However, My cl*t got big even while on sarm cycle unfortunately :( I did got a bad rash but not the bumpy ones. It’s weird like just inflamed itchy skin. I don’t know how to describe it.

No acne on this cycle yet. Thank god!

Chad P's picture

Has your gf used s4? A few years back a buddy and I dipped into some sarms, the s4 fucked his vision up where he could barely see at night.

Toproll's picture

Yeah she used S4. Supposedly it's a little stronger than Ostarine but the gains weren't as good so we didn't use again. And she did notice the yellow vision but it didn't bother her much

press1's picture

In your opinion mate as you seem to have a bit of experience with SARMS, do any of them hold up to proper Oral AAS or do you think they are just a watered down version? I tried LG 4033 but it made me feel tired, had noticed a lot of talk on YK11, Rad 140 and S4 but hell its a lot to try out and you never really know whether you have a good version or not.

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Toproll's picture

I wouldn't say I have a ton of experience. I've only tried Ostarine and LG4033 but didn't gain anything from those tbh. From what I've seen and read about Rad40 and YK11, the sides seem to outweigh the benefits and at that point might as well just take AAS. From the research I did a while back, I do remember seeing a thorough article (cant find it anymore) describing how women respond better to sarms than men do, even on a proportionally comparable dose. It had something to do with elevating a woman's free test, or keeping them unbound, or some other biological effect on women that differs from men allowing women to utilize more free test. damn it i wish I remember exactly what it said.

Also because of the lack of toxicity and virilization effects, women can handle a dose closer to that of a man, where for AAS, women shouldn't exceed a dose of 1/5 of a man. Like the very high end dose of var for a women is 20mg where for men, you really shouldn't go above 100. However for sarms, women can easily go as high as 20mg/day where men should only go as high as 40 or 50 max (preferably 30).

JakeKO's picture

I feel the same way you do, and at my age I don’t want to waste any time on magic potions that may not work. Although, being that some are injectable, it makes me wonder if they might actually be worth trying. I don’t know though, I hate anything that isn’t completely proven

Fitchick35's picture

Woaaaah! My body did change with it and strength was good as well. I tried Rad and that’s when my body change while cutting my weight. Competed on stage but only took 2nd place -- got to see my abs. Anyway! Your gf is so freakin’ strong!!!

DeeMan's picture

225 @135 is impressive. She a powerlifter?

Toproll's picture

Thanks, yeah she is. Took her under my wing when I met her 3 years ago. When she started, couldn't squat one plate, now she can squat 365 raw.

DeeMan's picture

Hot damn....365 raw! Raw lifts are where it's at for sure. Just you and the weight...maybe a belt and wrist wraps. Good for both of you.
Lol if it aint raw it doesn't count lol

Fitchick35's picture

Right? That’s insane!!!!

DeeMan's picture

O yeah. So can you imagine seeing a woman benching 250- 275? Saw a few in my gym and it was rediculous. They are powerlifters though.

Toproll's picture

damn what gym do you go to? (you don't have to answer that lol) I never see any women bench 250+. I've seen several between 220-235 range, but anything more than that is extremely rare. I have one woman in my gym who can bench 280 at under 150 lbs but she is one of the best powerlifters in the world.

DeeMan's picture

Well make no mistake your wife's lift is impressive at her bodyweight. My main gym is a dirty, rugged old school gym just the way I like them. I posted pics awhile back but not too much due to security concerns. Lol alot of rusted..heavy ass weights. Low key spot. Other gym is new school and comes with all the bells and whistles. Only benefit is they're open 24 hours a day which pretty much makes it more convenient. But old school gym is mostly where I'm at.