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+ 2 My 1st Cycle


I'm 170lb, been training natural for 3 years, plateaued several times but got past that by mixing things up including diet as well as training. Found downtime was very important so occasionally just gave the body a rest and found that I was stronger when I started training again. I have no idea what the science is behind that but it works trust me. I'm talking 2 week breaks not 3 months lol. Anyway, I kept gaining for around 2.7 years but after no more strength gains after 3 years I came to the conclusion that I'd reached the peak I ever will naturally. With me the satisfaction comes from being able to do one more rep or add a tiny bit of weight every week. When I can't do that I feel disheartened and know I can't be improving so now I'm going to do my first cycle with a little trepidation but confident in the advice I've been given and eager to see what steroids do for me. Just a little back history, when I first joined eroids, it was to get cycle advice and I was told to go away and lose some bodyfat. I was 180lb then at 20% bodyfat. I went away for a coupe of months and dieted to get down to 12% bodyfat at 170lb.

I started my cycle on Monday but couldn't work out how to post my cycle log but Makwa has just helped me as well as given me lots of great diet advice. Hats off to Makwa for taking an interest and giving me great advice. One of his tips was to track my macros and this has also proved to be very useful. The macro tracking app I use actually tells me if I've eaten enough on any particular day, to reach my goals and obviously tells me percentages of protein, fats and carbs I'm taking in. I now weigh my food, which is all on the healthy spectrum, found I needed to tweak some things, mainly my carb intake needed to be raised as I had been on a very low carb diet and it goes against the grain to lose s lot of bodyfat, see your abs and then consume lots of carbs to see your muscles grow. Well I've done that and am hitting the sweet spot that Makwa recommended of 40/30/30. I already feel larger and am stronger yet I know the steroids can't have kicked in yet so that must be down to diet and training. I'll cut this short as I feel I am rambling now so lets cut to the quick and I'll let you know what my cycle will be and my gym split.

Cycle is 500mg Test Cyp for 12 weeks, 2 weeks after last shot Nolva and Clomid PCT, Adex on hand in case of gyno issues.

My training split is 5 days per week, one body part per day, 5 exercises per body part, 3 sets per exercise, rep range between 8 and 13. If I reach 13 reps I up the weight, If I can't do 8 reps I'm too heavy. I aim to add at least a rep to each exercise every week. That way I know I'm getting stronger and making progress. My goal is to gain 20lb on cycle which I know won't all be muscle but that's what I'm aiming for.

Week/ProductTestosterone CypionatePCT
Condor's picture

Okay, first cycle is in the bag and all went well. I did have to introduce adex at 1mg per day so I must be quite gyno prone. I started off with 0.5mg per day but it wasn't doing enough or I wasn't patient enough.

I started my cycle at 170lb and I am now 190lb after PCT so I'm a happy bunny. I'm looking quite trim too and I thought I would lose definition but I can still see abs. Not bad aye lol.

Will be putting a good review in for soon.

Thanks to everyone for the great advice. You know the next question will be how soon can I get back on cycle and what compounds should I use next. I know it should be time on equals time off but I'd st5ill like to hear views.

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JohnT6421's picture

Well done on the write-up,
could you share what the macro is you mentioned..

and props to you for giving props to Makwa!!

Condor's picture

Hi John, sorry for the late response. When I first joined this forum to gain some knowledge and ask for advice I was told to go away and lose some bodyfat before starting my first cycle. I did this by doing a strict keto diet and lost around 8lb of bodyfat in a month. When I came back ready to start my cycle, Makwa told me to up my calories by about 1000 cals to get the most out of my cycle and that obviously meant including carbs. I did this and got myself an app that tracks your macros and can tell you how many carbs/fat and protein you eat. I was advised by Makwa to go for 40/30/30 so that is what i did and he was right, without the app I wouldn't have a clue what I was eating int terms of macros so that is a good tip for anyone. I kept all Macros clean, so lean protein, good fats and low glycemic index carbs. It worked a treat and I've gained 20lbs on my first cycle and this is after PCT and being natural for a few weeks.

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Condor's picture

I'm 5 weeks in now and going strong. The test is really doing it's work, I'm feeling the strongest I've ever been and lifting more than I ever have. I've put on 12lb of fairly lean muscle so far. I feel much more motivated and aggressive in my training, really pushing it hard and have now introduced forced reps to squeeze those last few reps out and tear that muscle tissue down. I only log the unassisted full reps. Everything is going to plan.

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ONESICK's picture

I'm glad you're doing a proper Test cycle, so many want to stack shit for their first cycle. Just run a few Test cycles just to see what it can do. If done properly you can get a lot out of Test. About 4 to 5 weeks in get bloodwork done. This is when you reach full serum levels of Test. That way you can see where everything is at. Just because you may not feel any sides as some people don't, doesn't mean you don't have them. You'll be able to reduce the chances of bad sides catching early on than waiting to see if you get any or being too late. It sucks having to cut a cycle short. Adex is good but some people don't respond to it well, pick up some Aromasin as well. For me Aromasin > Adex. It's good to have a variety of AI's on hand. Good luck

Condor's picture

Thanks for the advice. I'm looking into getting blood work done but it's not so easy in the UK. You have to go private and the cheapest I've found is £59 per test...that's not the whole blood test that is for testing each different marker i.e. level of test, lipids, blood count. That's just 3 and that'll cost £177 lol. Anyone from the UK that can point me in the direction of getting blood work at a reasonable price, hit me up.

I've got Adex on hand but not Aromasin. My source can ship for next day delivery so If I need that I can make a quick order.

Thanks again.

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Condor's picture

I'm now 2.5 weeks into my cycle and I'm really feeling the test kick in. Strength is up, appetite is up and morning wood is up which makes the wife happy, for now anyway lol. It's only been 3 days since I've really noticed the test kicking in and in that time I've had PB's in all my chest exercises, arm exercises and leg exercises so far but boy am I feeling the DOMS. Doing shoulders later today and back tomorrow so lets hope I get PB's in those too, I'm stoked. I'll update in a few weeks to let y'all know how I'm doing.

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Reddirtmuscle's picture

How old are you? I like that you are starting with one compound instead of going straight to a stack. Bring your first cycle you will see results for sure. Just an assumption I’m assuming you are pretty young? If so that’s the worst time to stop your natural T. But I did the same thing just speaking from experience. I’m on TRT now cause of doing gear at young age. Just know that. But I like that you have been seeking help and even listened and came back. Like I said this is a great first cycle. Maybe a little much on T but that’s debatable. Also 3 years is not along time. I know it seems like it but sometimes it takes along time to see results. But gear sure helps. That’s why must of us are on here. I wish I had this place when I first started. Keep us posted.

Condor's picture

I'm 33 so not that young. The best days of natural T production have long gone and when I say I've been training for 3 years, I mean as a serious hobby, 5 days per week. I've always been interested in bodybuilding and when I was younger would go to the gym but not regularly as partying got in the way of that lol. Since I turned 30 I decided to stop partying (at least not as hard lol) and get properly fit and try and build as much muscle as possible. I've found this forum to be really helpful with lots of great advice. Some advice is conflicting but you get to know who to listen to and what will work best for me. Test only just makes sense to me, I want to see what it does on its own or I'll not know what is doing what. Even the Dbol kickstart would probably make it unclear as to when the Test kicks in. I'm expecting it to kick in in around a week. One thing I'm unsure about is that I've already upped my carb intake so I'm doing 40/30/30 where as before I was doing around 60/30/10 (protein/fats/carbs). I wanted to get my diet right for the cycle but didn't factor in that it takes a good two weeks for the Test to kick in. Should I have waited to up my carbs to coincide with when the test kicks in?

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Reddirtmuscle's picture

Yep not young! I assumed young for 2 reasons. First cycle and 3 years of working out. But you explained both of those. I really like what you are doing with Test only. You can always add to it next time but you find out that test only cycle may be all you need for your goals for awhile! When you go straight to a stack it’s hard to do anything less in the future. And like you said about running a kickstart it’s tough to know what is what! Good luck and I hope the test only stack works for you. It sounds like you are already on the right track asking questions and doing research!

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