Swaggymoney20's picture
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My First osgear Cutting Cycle Log - Seeking Advice and Sharing Progress


Hey, fellow lifters!

I wanted to document my first cutting cycle journey, and I thought this would be the perfect place to share my experiences and seek some guidance. I've been hovering around 105kg and decided to give a 12-week cycle a shot to aid my weight loss goal. I am aiming to get to 95 kg which would have me at around 12% body fat. The products I am using are Ultima Supertest 450 and Ultima NPP-100 Here's the breakdown:

Weeks 1-12:

Testosterone: 300mg per week
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 100mg per week
Experience and Progress:
Week 1: Initial boost in energy and focus during workouts. No noticeable weight change.
Week 4: Strength gains are noticeable, and I'm lifting heavier than before. Appetite seems slightly increased.
Week 6: Seeing some positive changes in muscle definition. Weight has dropped to 100kg

Side Effects:

Mild acne: Noticed some breakouts on my back and shoulders.
Increased aggression: Feel more assertive, but sometimes it's hard to control.
Libido fluctuations: Some days are high, while others are low.

Diet I’ve followed:
Daily Macros:

Protein: 2.2g per kilogram of body weight
Carbohydrates: 3g per kilogram of body weight
Fats: 0.8g per kilogram of body weight
Meal Timing:

Pre-Workout: Complex carbs and lean protein
Post-Workout: Fast-digesting protein and carbs to replenish glycogen stores
Remaining Meals: Balanced mix of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs

Whey protein post-workout
Multivitamins to cover nutritional gaps
Omega-3 fatty acids for joint health
Sample Day:

Breakfast: Oats with berries and a scoop of protein
Mid-Morning Snack: Greek yogurt with almonds
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast, quinoa, and veggies
Afternoon Snack: Protein shake with a banana
Dinner: Salmon, sweet potatoes, and a mixed green salad
Evening Snack: Cottage cheese with pineapple
Drinking at least 3 liters of water daily to stay hydrated, especially with the increased physical activity.

Overall, I'm pleased with the results, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Any advice on managing side effects or optimizing my next cycle would be greatly appreciated. Let's keep the discussion respectful and constructive!

Week/ProductTestosterone EnanthateNPP
JFit253's picture

Goal is 105kg to 95kg at 12% bf… so you’re 20+% bf right now at 105kg? Constrictive criticism would be to put away the cycle and learn how to eat to get down to 95kg naturally.

Blood test shows that your e2 is very high. The high e2 explains your acne and libido changes, prolactin is probably involved too.

I recommend to drop the cycle, start PCT with focus on AI too. You can always use the cycle after you cut as NPP is better for bulking anyways.

simonmagus84's picture


Swaggymoney20's picture

Blood Test included I blurred out my personal information testosterone is undetectably high and e2 is about twice the reference range but I don’t feel any high e2 symptoms!

AK80's picture

You might not feel it, but you would eventually see it (water bloat and gyno in your tits). Get rid of the NPP and replace it with some Masteron @ 300-400 per week. Cut out your carbs before bed and instead use them as a tool before your workout and after (some in the morning is OK so you can function at work and use your brain though) Probably won't even need an AI this way since it would fix your E2 issue.