Dadbod00's picture
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+ 3 SP labs sustanon


200mg of testosterone susta one shot on Sunday, 1mg adex and Hcg 500iu 2x a week blood tes was done on Friday

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Badgoat1's picture

1mg of Adex seems high for that low of.a dose of.test. did they check that on your test. I use about .5 MG every 2 weeks on 250mg and that keeps me in range

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Dadbod00's picture

My estradiol was 62.8 pg/dl. So it was a little out of range. I guess some people aromatize at a higher rate

Makwa's picture

How long have you been taking 1mg of adex. That is a shit ton of adex for only 200mg/wk of test.

Dadbod00's picture

I would say the past two years,i its do de to the Hcg it throws my estrogen out of whack. I have one baby due next week and looking to have another in a year or two so I want to keep myself some what fertile when I do a pct. After that no more Hcg for me

Badgoat1's picture

True story. I remember when I first started every forum said 500mgs of test a week and .5mg adex eod. I crashed mine hard so I messed with the dose for a bit until I figured out what was right for me. Great job getting bloods.

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Big Tone36's picture

SP was always a reputable lab I've used several products. SuperTest450 and SuperTren200 are some of my favorites blends they actually work awesome together

Dadbod00's picture

Their products are amazing I’m hooked! Did the super test have bad pip?

Big Tone36's picture

It wasn't bad but you definitely feel like you took a shot...... Nothing intolerable, or hindering during training. Delt shots felt good. Quad and upper outer glute a little bite