UncleYoked's picture
UncleYoked 2128


Estimated T/A: 
Shows up faster than the clap

Payment Methods: 
PayPal, Zelle, Cryptos, Vanilla, Western Union, MoneyGram, Walmart, Amazon, Cash App via BTC, Bank Transfer, Ali Pay, Handjobs

Please note

We're a simple, farm to table operation. No flashy graphics or seizure inducing graphics, no advertisements, just organic anabolic goodness.
Our website is set up so there is no need for communication between any party, streamlined, simple and fast.
We are not careless reps working from a Chinese warehouse and we do not send your items from China or Russia, we are a US domestic source.
We're people, just like you and we put the people first. Unless they're assholes, in which case they can fuck off.

Liljuicy's picture

How is uncs accutane? Am I suppose to chew it? Does it degrade faster than gel caps? Also I should be eating it with fats right?

Rg23's picture

Do you have to keep running the accutane if acne gets worse or is it like a one time fix to acne problems? I’ve gotten some terrible chest and back acne from high test and tren doses and have been using the soaps and creams but have been debating accutane as well

Chad P's picture

Last year I ran 10mg per day for 120 days. Completely cleared everything up and no reoccurrence since. I was getting bad cystic/nodular acne on arms and chest that left little scars that took a while to clear up. Topical solutions were redundant and offered nothing as far as effective treatment.

BrainsNGainz's picture

Accutane is a long-term solution once it's run long enough to have effects, the idea is to build up a cumulative dose in your system for it to semi-permanently alter oil production in the skin. Normally a dermatologist would prescribe something like 40mg per day for 3-6 months and require regular bloodwork (it can trash your lipids).

I imagine the required dose is proportional to how bad the acne is, in my case, I had already done accutane beforehand and it wasn't too bad, so a smaller course worked, but if it's bad you might need to do over 20mg per day until it clears up.

Swollengonads's picture

12 days start to finish, easy payment, legit source. I'm in.

Rg23's picture

Any idea when semaglutide will be back ?

UncleYoked's picture

Any day now, there will be a newsletter as soon as it arrives.

Swolder84's picture

Just popping in, been running Titans Test Cyp for about 6.5 weeks now at 100mg a week for TRT purposes. Will be getting bloods very soon! Thanks Unc

romperroom's picture

Email sent for account upgrade!


Sent you a FR Unc..have a couple of questions and another order.

Skython's picture

I ordered tren ace and test cyp from osgear.se and was wondering if cancelling my order to order via titans.to would be better in terms of faster delivery. One order is from US warehouse and the other is international.

Rjezonie's picture

Btw I’d like to use the cash app after watching the video. Can I send it to you that way or just buy on that app? Saw the 3rd party info on the FAQ page and was confused with that since it’s a 3rd party.

Rjezonie's picture

How do I get STEEL verified? Been ordering since 2013 at least! Figured I’d be in the club

UncleYoked's picture

Zelle is back!
Only for verified customers (STEEL) or above

Drexyl's picture

Just got the email, no one likes a rat.

In a promo × 1
Drexyl's picture

Can’t find how to be STEEL verified…

In a promo × 1
UncleYoked's picture

dm me your email

Rvg3's picture

Instructions are in the FAQ under “Information on reward programs, upgrading accounts, etc”

UncleYoked's picture

@SupraGuy2JZ it's just a glitch, happens when the order payment isn't confirmed before expiration but we catch them multiple times per day. Your order is ready to ship already, please remove the order number from your post

SupraGuy2JZ's picture

Thanks Unc for confirming my order is gtg, I just deleted my comment. Couldn’t edit but that may be because I just created my eroids account today.

Lipjus0320's picture

curious why the only mg of anavar provided is 10mg? When all other vendors have 50mg. No biggie just curious if other vendors are selling fake shit.

UncleYoked's picture

We actually only carry 5mg and 25mg, both are in stock.
I prefer 25 for it's dosing ability, not everyone tolerates 50/100mg, some prefer 25,50,75. 5 is for women

Lipjus0320's picture

im takeing 100 split twice a day from another vendor and I think its way short. My goal is only 50 mg. I think ill come try yalls 25 soon.

V0411's picture

You won't be disappointed with uncs stuff!!!

UncleYoked's picture

I prefer 25 2x a day. 100mg a day I turn in to a giant charlie horse

Failuretobreathe33's picture

Hey are you guys getting more HGH in stock anytime soon?

UncleYoked's picture

sure, why not

Trenplease's picture

With the new payment options (btc) it’s easier than ever! Any word on hcg?

Rosschestzip's picture

Handjobs are still the preferred method

UncleYoked's picture

It's an old one, been around for YEARS but once you get it, it is 100x easier.
I do advise against using coinbase as your home wallet

More by UncleYoked