Toproll's picture
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+ 4 Question about igf


I recently got my baseline igf levels checked before i started running 4iu of GH. I was a bit surprised to see my levels as low as they are (58 ng/ml). Fromnwhat i read, i know tren can affect igf as well as low e2 levels or elevated alt or ast. However my alt and ast are fairly normal and my estro is 109.

I am 32 years old and currently running 325mg/week of test e and 400mg/week of tren e, along with 1mg of caber/week. What might be causing my igf to be as low as it is?

KonstantViktory's picture

Igf-1 levels vary greatly throughout the day, even on HGH - unless you've been running it for a while. I'd say this is a completely normal result.

Do you feel that the cycle is performing as expected? Also, you're right - Tren and Test can indirectly increase IGF-1 levels. Especially Trenbolone.

I'll also side with Catalyst here in regards to the idea that Caber could potentially be inhibiting IGF-1 levels from reaching max potential.

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Catalyst's picture

Caber potentially the cause. Question you have to ascertain is if you need the caber or taking it “just in case”? A lot of guys do this without knowing if they need it or not, bit like AIs.

Toproll's picture

I needed it. I tend to get gyno from tren and running caber is the only thing that actually helps it go away. Im finished with it now though

Black90tsi's picture

I'm right in this boat with you. My baseline numbers were right at the bottom of the range for my age. After starting generic gh i got my numbers tested again @ 4 iu/day and then 6-7iu/day. While they went up pretty substantially compared to baseline they were well below what most would expect to see at the doses i was taking.

But numbers don't tell the whole story. I might have only raised my igf levels from the bottom of the range to the upper middle of the range. But my sleep is much more restful. I can work a muscle group until i can barely move it on Monday afternoon but by the time i wake up Tuesday it's barely sore at all. I feel like i could work it again if i wanted to. My hair & nails are all growing faster. So i'm still pleased with the results i'm getting. Just because you don't have supraphysiologic levels doesn't mean you aren't benefiting from what you're using.

Here's my test results just for reference.

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

I'd test with just trt like mentioned earlier. If all else fails and you can't figure it out, Run some IGF-1LR3. lol. I love the stuff. I cycle this about twice a year.

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DeeMan's picture

Brother folks have their opinions but no one will honestly know. I hate to see this. You might be naturally on the IGF low end which is crazy. Thanks for this post.

wanted's picture

I sent ya a FR again

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press1's picture

Trenbolone actually increases IGF-1 levels mate, so this is even more surprising given you are running 400mg/wk too. Its why I use to like running it because IGF-1 helps tendons recover so much better. Maybe its the caber doing it? Again we could do with Mak here as these are his areas of expertise.

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DeeMan's picture

I see Low estro isn't the issue so this is strange.

Normally for 31-35 yr old the norm IGF reference range is 80-280ng/mL. Damn you're low! Hope it gets figured out. 32 is still young. At least you know your baseline score. I wonder is Tren playing a part in this decrease.

23Sparta's picture

I’m pretty sure tren raises or increases sensitivity to IGF-1

DeeMan's picture

I'm sure it does to but you don't have that many factors left besides Tren and Caber so what else are you going to say? . He's stated that everything else is good going by his bloods.

23Sparta's picture

I think he said he wasn’t on gh bro, that those were his baseline numbers and wondering why they were low for his age

DeeMan's picture

No GH but Caber and Tren. Yes it's his baseline bro.

Banjokid2020's picture

This is also a question for me. Not trying to hijack, bare with me. I just started a cycle as well of test, mast, and tren. I want to get bloods done to check test and estrogen levels and post them for the community to see results from my source. But I've been tossing the idea about GH as well and thought about getting a baseline igf test done also. So I'm kind of in the same boat as you and wonder if it would serve me best to wait and do a baseline on my normal trt dose and make sure nothing else is at Play effecting igf levels. Maybe the vets with more experience and knowledge will chime in and help.

23Sparta's picture

Absolutely run your IGF-1 baseline on trt and nothing else. You’ll have a lot less mess to sift through when analyzing the results

Toproll's picture

No those are my baseline levels. I have been on 4iu of gh since i got the test done a couple weeks ago and will get it checked again in 3-4 weeks

anvil's picture

I read that as his baseline level, did I read it wrong?

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anvil's picture

Are you currently running a calorie deficit? Taking metformin? Liver issues? Estro seems high, should bring that down just to be on the safe side.

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Toproll's picture

I'm on maintenance calories, no metformin or liver issues. I will be running 20mg nolva/day the next 4 weeks to hopefully bring my estro down a bit

Banjokid2020's picture

I believe there is a member here who was having a hard time figuring out his igf numbers and a bunch of members chimed in about Nolvadex effecting them. I think he was on Nolvadex at time of his bloods.

anvil's picture

Tamoxifen can increase IGF-BP1, IGF-BP3, and reduce the IGF-1 to IGF-BP3 ratio, and these alterations may contribute to the therapeutic benefits of tamoxifen. The long term effects of tamoxifen use on IGF status remain to be established.
This isn't 100% because almost all recent studies are in breast cancer patients

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DeeMan's picture

Good info. This is true.

23Sparta's picture

DeeMan, remember on my bloods though? I was on nolva (stupid), had low IGF-1, and low IGF-BP3 as well. Shits driving me crazy over here trying to figure out my own damn puzzle

DeeMan's picture

Your low IGF- BP3 is what shocked me.

23Sparta's picture

Yeah right? It scored low on the test outside the range. You would think I’d be an IGF-1 monster!

DeeMan's picture

Hell I'm starting to get confused with all this low IGF scores going on lol. I new nolva was a factor for you but with him I don't know what's up.

Rosschestzip's picture

Right? I can’t keep up with all this shit lol. After seeing some of these it made me want to get mine checked but the more I see the more confused I get and the less I want to even know mine lol. I don’t want to open that can of worms and be pissed if I have like levels around 200 when I’m using 6ius

DeeMan's picture

Yea 200 score injecting 6IU would be trash.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya but it wouldn’t surprise me with all these test results lately

DeeMan's picture

O I agree. And we'll probably see more of this craziness

wanted's picture

In my own mind & opinion all the sources get theres from the same MAIN SPOT. some dress it up with shiny labels. But most come from the same warehouse/ storage unit

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wanted's picture

Its the fucking government sucking the alpha outta us. It maybe in the meat , maybe in the water , maybe just maybe the put something in the g-spot sucking the alpha out. We all screwed with this gh shit

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Chad P's picture

This is so true. I’ve got a few buddies who consulted with their family practice physicians about getting T levels checked and these guys act as if you’re trying to acquire illicit drugs. That being said, if you’re a guy who wants to be a chic or visa versa they don’t bat an eye at it. Fucking twilight zone for real smh!

DeeMan's picture

Welcome to the Zone!

Rosschestzip's picture

Your probably right lol but this was the dudes baseline without any gh yet

23Sparta's picture

Damn, that shit rang true and gave me goosebumps

DeeMan's picture

Nah it's in the air! Don't give up hope just yet man.

wanted's picture

So your saying there is still a chance they didnt hide it in the g-spot. Or am i gona have to put my whole head up there and keep looking

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Toproll's picture

Yeah it seems from what i'm reading it's kind of a mystery. Calorie maintenance, high estro, no ai or nolva, no metformin, good liver values. I'd hate to have to run 4iu a day just to bring my levels to 100-200. We'll see i guess

Side note, i pinned my last shot of tren a few days ago and am just going back to 250 test/week until my next test

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya but at least you wouldn’t be deficient in it, idk if it’s considered deficient cus it’s not like a vitamin or something but you know what I mean. If your below normal and take gh to get to a normal level, you might get more benefits then A guy who’s got normal levels naturally and uses gh to get to a high/normal level. Like guys who have low Test feel amazing on 200 mg and young guys feel just the same as not being on it

DeeMan's picture

It's a bit strange. I was thinking you were taking an ai or something but that's not the case. Pinning 4IU of GH to get a 100- 200 score is crazy man.

23Sparta's picture

Well, I haven’t been on here long enough to know how testing has gone previously in the past. Were there more high IGF-1 scores in the past? Or maybe more guys are testing now? I know I took nolva, but that was for only one test. I could see the effect it had based on other bloods I’ve pulled. Knocked it down about 100. Even so though, I’ve never scored an IGF-1 in the 300s. My personal belief, really after that vigorous Steve and chase irons video, is that some people don’t score high. It’s a response thing. Like we both say… we’re all different when it comes to these compounds and that makes it fun, interesting and frustrating af

DeeMan's picture

Folks tested in the past but I'm seeing more folks testing now. It could of happened but I don't remember seeing folks with issues like you guys are having, especially you. I could be wrong though.

23Sparta's picture

Maybe there’s something up with all this cheap growth that’s flooding our scene. I know this dude posted about generic Hgh raising resting heart rates. There’s no studies on it of course, only one showing that Pharma grade does not raise resting heart rate. Even so, several dudes chimed in stating that they noticed this, and I am one of them. I posted an update on that forum. When I stopped generic growth recently to run some IGF, my RHR dropped like 13 bpm. Just me personally I know it’s not a study, just something to keep in mind, and the fact that I’m not the only one that’s noticed this. As far as IGF-1, and my troubles, the only way for me to settle this is to pull the trigger on some pharma grade and test with that and see

DeeMan's picture

It could possibly be the quality of GH. Even though it's a bit cheaper nowadays the quality shouldn't be sacrificed. That's where lab and blood testing comes into play. As far as your IGF issues hey man that's another story lol

23Sparta's picture

Haha yeah, a story that I’m gonna make you all have to read

DeeMan's picture

Trust me I'm looking forward to it..hell we all are!

So damn you noticed a raised resting heart rate huh?