Gettinit's picture
  • 22

On cycle resting


I am currently 52 years old. Been working out for about 18 months on TRT mid 500s range. Doctor would not take me any higherso i said ok LETZZ GOOO.I am currently 6 weeks in on a bulk cycle of 600mg Test Enth/300 mg Deca and 6.25 Aromasin. a day. Was using some Test and Deca from a source Thats not on here and question the integrity of the gear. Had labs drawn at 6 weeks at 350 mg and was only at 1279 and Estro was at 89. Was not taking an AI I am now. I started Pure Anabolics yesterday and the MCT was super smooth no pip today. Will be running labs in 6 weeks to see where i am at. Just trying to put a little of my size back on. I have been training hard the past 2 weeks everyday for an hour and a half and taking the last reps to failure. My question is could i be over training because i am tired all the time or am i just a pussy and need to keep my nose to the grind. I am 52 now and things are different now. Just want to take care of my body and do it the healthy way. Any vets my age i really welcome any suggestions and feedback!!! Much Appreciated!!!

FrankTheTank12's picture

Rest and recovery are as important as any other aspect in the realm of fitness. overall health and well being and feeling great. There's certainly nothing wrong with being an animal and training hard and frequently, but just like anything else in life be sure to find a balance between it all. I would also make sure your diet is on point. Diet can very much so be the culprit if not tracking and overtraining without meeting your caloric and macronutrient needs. Salute to you though, sir, at 52!!

Chad P's picture

Listen to your body bro. Rest and recovery is just as important as anything. If you don’t feel it, rest up, eat up and rehydrate. Get it the next day.

wanted's picture

You show me a guy who works out 7 days aweek i will show you a guy who isnt eating enough to recover
Could definitely be your problem. Cant blame it on blood work you just did yours. Test numbers okay for living happy. Why do you workout 7 days especially when trying to add size

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Gettinit's picture

6 days a week my bad. Im just getting back going and mentally when i work out i feel so much better.And am open to suggestions. I have depression issues and like i said feel better going to the gym that often but if i need to be resting more i will. I am just trying to figure out what guys my age are doing instead of working out like i did when i was 30.

JakeKO's picture

I work out six day per week as well for the same reasons. I only take Sundays off. I have a bad day if I don’t go. Sundays are difficult for me because I always feel like a lazy piece of shit. Although, rest is very important for healing purposes. I hit every body part twice per week, but do my best to do complete different exercises on my second time working those body parts. I also try not to push as heavy the second half of the week and go light weight, high reps. Every now and then I have to skip a gym day because of an early meeting, and as much as I hate it, I always feel better the next day. Crazy, stubborn shit I guess

SeeOhShow's picture

I do this exact same thing. 6 days of lifting. Each part 2x. One day much heavier than the other. Start off heavy in the week and taper off to the lighter days. Repeat. Day 7 for me is basketball. But I have a little more youth on my side. I’ll likely drop that 7th day as I get older.

If we feel tired we just inject more gear, right? Right?! lol

Chad P's picture

I typically do 4 on 1 off. I also do a very physically demanding job, so if I can’t get a productive session in, it’s no big deal. It’s not a sprint brother, especially as we age. I’m 44 btw.