7gothic's picture
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When I was a kid of around 7 or so, my grandfather passed away. They told me he went to heaven and that heaven was a wonderful place and that only good people get to go there----that means no cussing and no fighting.
Anyway, I couldn't understand why my grandmother was so unhappy. I mean, she should have been overjoyed that my grandfather was able this escape this shit-hole planet----that he wasn't cursed to live another 20 years, dying a slow painful death. Instead, he left my grandmother a widow-----and apparently a very lonely and/or horny one. Because it wasn't long before she was married again---after 45 years of bliss with my grandfather, she was already back in the sack (OMG----Uggghh) with fresh produce.
So you can imagine my confusion----what the hell is going to happen when Grandpa meets up with -------. Are they gonna throw down? "IS WAYNE BRADY GONNA HAVE TO CHOKE A BITCH"? I mean, just how is she going to explain herself.....and, who is she going to ride tonight? And don't tell me there's no sex in Heaven, because if that's the case, then they need to rename that place "HELL-NO". That's not a place I wanna be.
And what about their bodies----does grandpa get a new 20-year old body, complete with 20" guns? And what if he liked Grandma's body better with stretch marks.....does that mean he's screwed (figuratively) if God decides we're all going be "perfect"?
Now let's put this concept----this idea of seeing people in Heaven, in the context of abortion---What happens if you've been party to an abortion (girl OR guy). What if you get to heaven and it's waiting up there to see you??? And worse, what if it's PISSED OFF and looks like Chucky in a diaper?
So I think I'll take my chances with Hell. Heaven just seems like there could be a lot of drama there.

Big-A-'s picture

The Universe is more complex than we understand. As for the present moment, we make our hell or heaven. Nearour attitude us we see both happy and sad people. It is not what happend that counts, but our attitude towards this.

sc2216's picture

Bible, Coran, Old testament, all the same fucking shit, all non-sens fucking retarded crap, it's time people move on !

manbearpig's picture

LOL now this is funny even from a christian's perspective! the bible defines heaven as being in the presence of God.... well the bible makes it sound cool at least! haha.

swolltroll's picture

lmfao TRUTH

everclese's picture

I am one that has actually read the bible(christian one) I have studied religion from every aspect to the tree people... Seriously there is no god. People want to believe in something. Read the bible bro streets paved in gold, I am the best lookn prick in this world

shrapnel's picture

What are your religious beliefs Goth?

7gothic's picture

At the risk of offending people, I happen to be as atheist as it is possible to be.
The only talking snake I've ever seen was my ex wife----and she THREW an apple at me.
If God exists, then HE needs to show me.....I want to hear it from him....not some con artist asking for cash on T.V.
However, religion in some cases may serve to comfort people and I have no problem with that. And yes, I celebrate Christmas---my favorite time of the year. But I celebrate it because it's fun. I also celebrate Halloween, but that doesn't mean I believe witches fly around on brooms.

Beachbdygrl's picture

Dude this is so true. I mean technically you can't define a whole groups morals by their "label," but I get what your saying. I've taken one too mamy psychology classes where people always mention that people get their morals from religion and with out it you can't possibly have morals. I've also heard that Athiests always have the agenda to convert people, which is impossible technically. I always feel I have to say something in these moments. I kinda believe the first rule of religion should be the same as the first rule of fight club. Anyways, I'll end this rant on that note.

shrapnel's picture

I believe im more moral than the christians i meet.... and i live in the bible belt.

7gothic's picture

Well in the Middle East, they certainly keep their people in line by using religion. And THAT'S the problem with religion----ANY religion. When religion goes public, then it gives respect to beliefs that are not rational. Christianity is just as much to blame for 9/11 as Islam because it sends the message that primitive, irrational, superstitious beliefs are to be respected. Then we end up with Holy wars like we have now where everyone is saying...."My God is better than your God"......"My god says if you don't believe in him, then I am supposed to kill you". And YES, the Catholics and Christians throughout history have killed far more people than Muslims. The witch hunts....the Inquisition.... went on for hundreds of years, killing millions upon millions.

7gothic's picture

Im sorry, I dislike Christianity immensely but even I can not say it had anything to do with 9/11

I think you are misunderstanding me.
The point I am trying to make is that by giving respect to belief in a God---ANY God, we then tell the wackos that belief in fairly tales actually has merit. So in that respect, ALL religion is complicit in the pickle we find ourselves in now. Fanatical Christians are no different from fanatical Muslims in their stern belief that THEY...and THEY ALONE have the right God. I wasn't implying Christians were involved in the actual attack.

shrapnel's picture

Ditto. Me exactly!

Machinek's picture

Strictly from a biblical stand point... Not religious one Jesus Christ spoke about the condition of the dead. He did so with regard to Lazarus, a man whom he knew well and who had died. Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest. The disciples thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was resting in sleep, recovering from an illness. They were wrong. Jesus explained: “Lazarus has died.” (John 11:11-14) Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in a burning hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death.—1 Corinthians 15:6.
Ecclesiastes 9:5
5 For the living are conscious that they will die but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten
Nice post bro

J.Mc.'s picture

LMFAO!!.. Nooka, you crazy! I like u but u crazy

MisterP's picture

" ....what if you go up to heaven AND IT's waiting up there to see you?"... Funny way of putting it!
I guess I'd flush it down the toilet AGAIN...the same way I got rid of it in the first place! LOL!!!

fast48's picture

If ya see Devil in Mrs Jones 2.....hello is fun with sex all day but no orgasms allowed :o

shrapnel's picture

LoL LMaO!!!!!!

sc2216's picture

I am also going to Hell for sure! Hell, I've got a Satanic star tattooed accross my chest, if you don't go to Hell for that, what the Hell DO you go to Hell for?

ScoutSniper's picture

Most gang bangers I know have the virgin Mary tatood on them,but somehow I dont think that they will wind up in heaven for that and that alone.

sc2216's picture

lol that's not my only sin, believe me bro Smile

illuminati23's picture

I like the idea of reincarnation, as long as I can keep what I learned with me. I would hate to start from scratch again, remake all the same stupid mistakes. Of course if we go to heaven instead, there will probably be some pretty big motherfuckers up there. Afterall they got all eternity to work out.