7gothic's picture
  • 750



This is typical of the hate directed towards steroid users on You Tube.
Read the comments of this guys video...and keep in mind before you take the time to type up a comment, that this dickwad pre-approves comments before allowing them to be published, so yours won't see the light of day.
Hate and ignorance about steroids is all over You tube like a rash.
Remember to keep your blood pressure in check before watching..lol


geneticfreak's picture

he lives in montreal maybe antoine vaillant will find him at a gym and break his little neck !!!!!

geneticfreak's picture

i repeat that guy is a fucking morron who sucks at speaking english fuck him

Dbolli's picture

That dipshit needs steroids or a barbell. His shoulders are a joke.

PinPusher's picture

All I got from it was he didn't like v.v.v vigania but he sure does love big balls!

geneticfreak's picture

the things down stairs lol

7gothic's picture

LOL...yeah, he seems to obssessed with big balls.

MAC's picture

Ok, I understand hes skeptical about AAS, usually I would still respect someone and hear what he/she has to say, but he was intentionally being a dick he made that clear when he said 'i have no respect towards steroids or people who use them' or something along those lines, plus I feel that he never really got to the point he was trying to prove. Typical hater

7gothic's picture

LOL...even if I think something that other people do is unhealthy (such as smoking or drinking), I don't HATE them or get mad at them for doing it.
This clearly shows that this dumbass is nothing more than a jealous bitch with a MUCH smaller dick (and brain) than any steroid user could ever have.

MAC's picture

lol amen to that brother!

litlitalian's picture

Ahhhhhh......fuck me! That was painful, seriously. He reminded me of Mr. Mackey on South Park when all he can say is "drugs are bad...umm kay."

I waited till the 10th minute for him to just make a simple point and a valid one at that. Telling us to do research. Take your own advise dickhead.

And if I had to hear him repeat himself again to try and make one more unsupported false claim and say the word "basically" again I might have tried to slit my wrists with a spoon.

7gothic's picture

I think the comments bother me as much (or more) then the video.
People will rarely opt for logic and facts when they can have hysteria.

litlitalian's picture

Much agreed there.

Trenabolic's picture

Yes the ignorant comments are what really get under my skin.

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knowledge's picture

The power of ignorance is second to none. If someone hears something from someone they will swear by it. So sad.....Tens of Thousands...Hey i did actually read that once. Only thing is he left out a few details. The guys entire living expense! The gear was about 3k a month. And thats including HGH

jprizzle's picture

Why are some people so dumb? tens Of thousands a month for steroids ? Well im off to prostitute myself I need some more EQ Smile

JOEDIEZ's picture

you mean to tell me i could just buy some instead of trying to talk my way into it??? well what the fuck, i am always down to take the easy route. GOTH!!!!!!! over here big guy, I'll have 2 shots please, o ne for now and one for later

scootloko's picture

Wow, either dudes got a hell of an imagination or Im seriously out of the loop. I swear homie just said dudes are selling ass to get juiced, lmao. Then at 7:27 he says "These guys are spending not hundreds of dollars but 10's of thousands of dollars A MONTH". What the hell kind of cycle costs 40K a month, he should get a job writing gov. propaganda.

JOEDIEZ's picture

yea i need a job writing gov prooganda. obama is 100% white and was tinted black in order to get the black vote so that when i screwed the black population it could be said that its in their nature to screw there own. ad use black on black crime as justifiaction and example. how's that for propoganda

scootloko's picture

you got the job!

JOEDIEZ's picture

until one desides to research and find truths he will continue to be blind. i was blind up until very recently. but that was because like most people they only hear and dont search out the truth. so i dont want to kock this guy in the head, he needs to be educated. its a personal choice, like do i go down this hill on skies. you dont just decide to do it you have to put somethought into it. i wouldnt just do it i would learn at least a little about it cause i could break my damn neck. we have to continue to learn ourselves and help educate the uneducated.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Because WE'RE BIGGER and fuck BETTER than they do... suppose I'd be pissed off, too

Trenabolic's picture

Couldn't have said it any better myself. Perfect!

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seantr's picture

Glad I'm not taking tren while watching that video. Although steroids shrink dicks comments seriously crack me up every time.

Trenabolic's picture

This type of garbage is all over youtube. Its gotten so bad i simply refuse to read any comments.

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