cyco's picture
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+ 9 TREN-Suspension via Swole oil


Got this from our man swole oil. This is his latest creation on his already superb line up.
This guy not only makes top shelf products,but also backs it up with mass specs. Everything about this guy is solid. Thanks swole and got to make another order soon. Also for the newer guys in the game please research and more research.

Ordered from: 
gameofarms's picture

+1 Hey bro how did you edit this pic? what app or program did you use?

Owes a Review × 1
Winny86's picture


selfster19's picture

Did he put that on the vial cuz thats how it makes u look after u pin? imagine...➕1

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Trenegade's picture

I gotta have some of this bro+2

avery830's picture

Can't wait to try it! +1

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NoX's picture

Holy cow. Tren suspension? Terrifying. That's like the most extreme hardcore shit I've ever heard of. Big fat wild +1!

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Genghis's picture

Enjoy Bro , let me know how it is - I'm going swoleoil myself soon

Genghis the destroyer