kth3446's picture
kth3446 136 Claim this!


Estimated T/A: 
Domestic 10 days, International 21 days

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
Western Union

Hench's picture

Interested. Cant get through on website...anyone know what's up?

STU89's picture

is your server still down? I talked to you on email with very quick reply, now that I have sent in the order, "NOTHING" please get back to me and let me know if you have received it or not?

expressdomestic's picture

We are not allowed to talk business here but this si is dead anyway, I don't remember anything about you so if i'm wrong I apologize but if your that swollen 22 guy making a fake acct to try to make us look bad you can write a thousand negative reviews the fact remains that we do not wish to do business with someone like you because you are dishonest and unsafe. Go get a refund or go to one of the forums we are allowed to post on and dispute us there because we don't want you rmoney. I absolutely welcome the chance to debate with someone trying to run game on us.

expressdomestic's picture

Sorry for any confusion but our server is down, will be fixed one way or the other between mon-wed

Trapsquatch's picture

Damn just sharing my experience but this prop is great 4 real 2 thumbs up lol......Now before you guys pull out your pitch forks and claim I am promoting an unverified source I ask why is there a SI Page for them if No one is allowed 2 post.... get real We are supposed to share OUR experiences with the source its not Like I am running around grabbing guys by the shirt and telling them 2 buy so Just relax BRO

Jadama's picture

Damnit sorry for asking Mr. Express.

Can somebody give me the rundown on why sources aren't allowed to talk until they get verified? It seems odd to me that the best thing a source can do is just sit there and do nothing. What's the point in that? What is the source proving by doing nothing? How does that validate becoming "verified"?

Those are serious questions. I'm not bein a dick head. I just don't get the point.

And I read the rules. Obviously they don't apply to verified sources. I just don't understand!?!?!?!!!!!

Jadama's picture

Good answer. But nothing proves that the source is good if he sits there and does nothing.

He can sit there and do nothing for 6 months until he gets verified. Then once he gets verified he can still do the exact thing you just said.

Verified- make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.

"His conclusions have been verified by later experiments."

The only thing we are "verifying" is that a person can submit a web page and not talk on his SI page. That doesn't prove anything. We're not verifying that it's a good source.

mattmack94's picture

So if they aren't verified...buyer beware? I'm a newbie. Hope it's not to good to be true!

Jadama's picture

Am I allowed to ask when we can expect more product to be on the shelves?

expressdomestic's picture

I do not like to talk much on our si because I'm not sure what's ok. various restocks will happen between now and the 14th, you have to check back every few days.

Gymjunkie01's picture

I flagged you to help you only .. Till you get verified you can't talk about anything like that.. Big no no just trying to help U bro

Owes a Review × 1
speed4goal's picture

Hey bud its best if you avoid any questions like that until your verified. Dont even respond to then. As 270said they dont play with unverified. Cant talk about website, orders, stock anything gear related. Hate to see you banned before you get a chance here

Trapsquatch's picture

Another pack landed these guys really are express LOL 3 days to my door

expressdomestic's picture

I will be taking over on the forums for our site from now on. Any questions or concerns you may pm me or find us on the contact us tab of our site.

traintoslain's picture

3 day T/A on pack. Good communication, hopefully the gear will be quality as well.

thebigchief's picture

From now on i will not be able to answer questions on the forums. We are working on a few upgrades that are eating up to much of my time. My partner will be here if anyone has any questions for us, his screen name will be expressdomestic.

kth3446's picture

Been on their oral anadrol and teest p for 3 weeks and getting some badassed strength gains, moody n aggravated a whole lot though.

HeavyHitter's picture

I have to say the packing these guys do is very nice an tight .... T/A was right on the money 3 days ...

Trapsquatch's picture

Yo good point 270