teamroids's picture
teamroids 278

Estimated T/A: 
Worldwide : 5-31 days / US DOMESTIC : 3-7 days.

Minimum Order: 
No minimum order!

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoin,MoneyGram, Zelle, ETH and Western Union.

Please note

Orders are placed on our web shop
For further contact, use the PM or ticket system.

We offer you top notch products, prices and service!

TeamRoids - the best team ever!

suny11's picture

Yeah. Scared to place an order...

Cade35's picture

When u send message on site it's not actually considered a "ticket" and it does take them longer to respond to those " message" inquiries. Give it time. They do respond. They responded to me yesterday with tracking for my latest pack. So they are working

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Geo's picture

I don't see how you can create a ticket without logging on. And you obviously can't pm the here right now. Why not just make a new account on the site?

skidrax's picture

Hej everything oke ? waiting for my order to be shipped but i don't get any response anymore , first order here ( just wondering ) , have a nice day!

LYusuf24's picture

first time buying online and see nothing but good reviews here from these guys. someone pm me pls need a little help with something that i dont think i should ask on here

Geo's picture

Brother, you're 6'2" 160lbs? I don't believe you should be doing steroids... you need to train and eat. Come back when you're at least 200 lbs, 10-12% bf.
Fyi..No one can PM you, you are not friends with anyone.

LYusuf24's picture

First of all i'm new here so i had no idea i needed to be friends with anyone to send a pm, and Im starting my first cycle of test only, im 24 and i've been training steadily for the last 3 years, i just wanted some help with something other than steroids

DfromPhilly's picture

You clearly haven’t been eating those 3 years...

And if you read the rules after you signed up like you were asked to you’d know it’s against the rules for anyone to give you cycle advice or for you to ask about gear cuz you’re under 25.

Geo's picture

Check your friend requests

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

im 24 and i've (sic) been training steadily for the last 3 years

You'll be so much happier with the results if you wait another 3 years, all the while eating and training like a horse for the Kentucky Derby. Also, during that time it would be good to learn as much as you can about AAS before you start using gear. You want to find out what Macros work best for your body and what doesn't, as well as what exercises your body responds well to. You want to figure out all of these before beginning to use AAS, that way you'll get the most out of your experience, you'll do far less damage to your body because of your increased knowledge about gear/ancillaries, you'll recover faster and better post-cycle with more knowledge about PCT, and you'll be less likely to experience side-effects which could adversely affect you because you know how to combat them.

Friend request sent

Plumberscrack13's picture

24 you say kid drop the juice and hit the gym running ..your far too young to start aas right now ..your just going g to kill your bodies natural test production .. your in your prime bro is that to your advantage eat big lift bug and get big don't even think about the alternative right now and trust me u will not find one person here that will tell u otherwise ..good luck

eclipse35's picture

I got in on the last promo and I decided to go ahead and make an order as well. T/A was 11 days to the US. Will post pictures later

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Larsbrahh's picture

Hello guys!

How is this dosed? "CUT LONG 300 DRAGON PHARMA"

300mg tren 300mg Mast 300mg Test? Or 100 / 100 / 100 ?

@teamroids when will it be back in stock mate?

Cade35's picture

It's 100 of each bro. Totalling 300 mg/ml

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professer X's picture

Could you imagine the pip from a 900mg per ml mix???? Holy
Maybe it coukd be done with eq... ive used deca that was 600mg per ml and was damn smooth... but not sure how much more compound could dissolve in that little amount... if anyone knows more about this subject id like to hear. ..thanks

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Larsbrahh's picture

Thanks @Cade35 for the answer.

I just never used this kinda mix that's why I asked.

Mostly of the time I'm using them separate..

Cade35's picture

Np, I get it. I assumed u knew the answer u just wanted to make sure your assumption was correct.

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press1's picture

Seriously?? If you have to ask that then you are nowhere near ready to be running it.

Cade35's picture

He's asking for the ratio of each compound dude. Yes , I agree 300 of each is a no brainer, but that does NOT mean he's not ready. He's just gathering info.

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press1's picture

That's what he was asking though - Is it 300 or 100mg of each?

Cade35's picture

We both know it's not 300 of each, but he didn't. Now he does and he can plan accordingly.
Just saying all's u had to do was give him the answer without the insult. No biggy bro, it's all good

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press1's picture

That's what I was getting at - Do you seriously think he is ready to be injecting when he thinks a compound might be dosed at 900mg/ml?!

Pumped_'s picture

At least he didn't inject it without asking or knowing like 75% of people do. No question is a stupid question.

Larsbrahh's picture

I'm just new with this kinda mixes and online ordering.

I've been using tren / mast for 3 years.. But never used a "mix" of it.

I know it was a "dumb" question because 1 ml of 300 mg each is a lot but I just wanted to make sure I was right..

Cade35's picture

Only he knows that, and he didn't ask if anyone thought he was ready. He asked a question and I already gave him the answer. I'm done jackin this SI up with this. Take care man

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