Ccacc's picture
  • 210

+ 8 I like big jugs!!


Promo ordered from the 30 ml new product line.

Ordered from: 
Big Tone36's picture

Great title lol

Ccacc's picture

BigT in the house!! Everything ok, haven’t seen you much lately. Have a great Sunday big bro…

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Big Tone36's picture

Thanks my guy, yea just been busy with life shit. All is good

Ccacc's picture

Glad to hear it bro

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Claudezilla's picture

I went balls deep on this promo and both packs stuck exactly where you wouldn’t want them to be stuck since 13th I’m about to cry real tears…why two packs you ask…..because the order was that big :-(…….

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press1's picture

Jesus mate - have you had any movement on these packs since? At least they will be reshipped if they are lost buddy.

zphcstore's picture

I'm sorry to hear about the delay with your order. Sometimes, packages can stay longer in transit. If there are any issues with the shipping, please let me know, and I'll resend the order.
Don't worry, you will get your promo products.

Ccacc's picture

Man I know the feeling, hopefully they move soon. I just put in another one for some GH, been wanting to try it for a while now.

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stadarx's picture

Yall realize zphcstore does not sell actual zphc brand right? It is a clone manufacture. Genuine Zphc is literally twice the price

zphcstore's picture

It seems you have some misconceptions.
This is a promotional offer, which is why the prices are discounted.
We sell only authentic ZPHC products, not clones. We have been in business for many years with thousands of satisfied customers.
Could you please explain how you came to the conclusion that we are selling clones? Or is this simply another prepaid comment?

Andrzej44's picture

and where do you get such assumptions? Can you somehow prove why you think so?

stadarx's picture

It’s not hard to find the evidence. Look at all other vendors who sell zphc. It’s twice the price. Look at all the reports on Reddit about zphcstore gear causing massive infections, meanwhile people who got zphc from other vendors have been fine. Also Zphc does not produce the “big jugs.” You’ll only find those on zphcstore

zphcstore's picture

Your attempt to mislead others in exchange for a free bottle of Test Propionate is evident. Our products are sourced directly from ZPHC and are of the highest quality. As for the pricing, our promotional offers allow us to provide these products at a more competitive rate. Regarding the packaging, we offer various sizes to cater to different customer preferences.

schecterc1h's picture

Damn I just did some research and found some nasty stuff on these guys…. Bummed cuz I just ordered a few kits of GH

Trevor Murdock's picture

i mostly see all reviews postive and they sell legit stuff ?

stadarx's picture

I’d imagine the GH is probably okay. Most of the generic GH all comes from the same place anyway.

Andrzej44's picture

Have any of you used DHB and Primobolon with Zphc ?
How is the pain after the injection ?
as far as I know Dhb does not have guaiacol added

pump-prophet's picture

How long did shipping take? Very tempted to try the 30 mL Test PP

Ccacc's picture

Ordered on the 2nd came today

Love This ester

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Ccacc's picture

Not sure how to get the picture of the vials correct

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Drexyl's picture

And the GH promo? Guy is hitting hard. I’m still strapped but my next order I want to spread out to my top three sources. Ya know, test from this guy, dbol from that guy, some GH from the man… if any of you guys provide for others, I have to ask, have you noticed guys are dropping out of the gym life lately? I can tell you 100% around me, and I’ve talked on the phone. It’s not even drug talk, they’ve just stopped exercising period. (30-50 age range)

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Trevor Murdock's picture

do you recommand

Drexyl's picture

Sorry bro, never used that src

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Ccacc's picture

Put in one for a couple kits last night. Don’t like the long shipping with GH but I have been wanting to try Johns growth for a while now, so we shall see

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Drexyl's picture

It’s well worth the wait

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NWApatches's picture

It's a cycle

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Ccacc's picture

I am on a total break right now so my days have decreased some, ashamed to say, the drive is not the same to be honest, but my health is more important.. but the GH he has going right now looks very appealing to me. I’ve heard it’s really good

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Drexyl's picture

May I ask why? Just life in general? Stress? Money? Our jobs? Don’t get me wrong, I falter too, but I make sure I get exercise in always. It just seems that exercise and self health is falling off. Fast.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Maybe the economy? Even tho if you listen to the news they say it’s better then ever. My wife’s a social worker and every single person that comes to see here is asking for housing, and the wait lists are years long and at the same time my apartment building is almost half empty because the rents too expensive

Drexyl's picture

I didn’t want to say that, but yeah. No one is comfortable in their money right now. It’s crazy. I think gym membership may be a quick knock off when it comes to the bills. My wife who doesn’t have one herself would cut that off. (Thank god my job covers it), but yeah. I think we’re at the point where people are drive gym bill.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Not even necessarily paying for the gym, cus it’s not terribly expensive but more about stress, not feeling good about life and just not feeling positive about the future. Also the fashion show/ social media shit where you need the newest iPhone, newest leggings, the 50$ water bottle, new air maxes and all that. So I’d bet there’s people that stop going to the gym because they can’t afford all the new accessories to go there with.

fakenattydaddi's picture

The shit that has been making me not want to go is everybody and their fucking cousin wants to be a “social media fitness influencer”. My gym (which is the only decent one in town) is over saturated with people who follow TikTok trends and pretend to be body builders which honestly in my eyes takes away from the athletes and the sport itself. I get that the gym is the cool new thing to do but it has changed so much, people who definitely do NOT have any sort of physique all over flexing in the mirrors pretending to be something they’re not. I get that everyone starts somewhere but back when I started you would get smacked doing that shit in a bodybuilding gym. Sorry rant over -- but on a real note make bodybuilding great again.

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press1's picture

Just a load of Muppets that have no business being in a gym

Chad P's picture

If they ban TikTok like they are trying, atleast 50% of them will stop going to the gym. They care more about posting on social media than they do actually training and growing.

Drexyl's picture

I’m actually ok with it. It’s a little awkward, but at the end of the day I’m glad to see people in the gym.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I love seeing a little shit flexing as long as they don’t have the tripod and a camera. It kinda reminds me of me! Just obsessed with trying to get big and checking the mirror every minute to see if you grew yet lol. But I think the difference is if I see them doing the work or not. If I see them there with their friends and no one’s really lifting anything and just messing around, then ya it’ll bother me. But if a kids in there alone, just grinding it out day after day and checks his pump in the mirror, then good for him, you know? I think it also depends if they look like a douche or not lmao

Drexyl's picture


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Ccacc's picture

I’ve been on for a while now full blast so I had to put the brakes on for a while and that effected my willingness, I still do 3 days a week but my drive is off.. being honest

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Rosschestzip's picture

It’s ok bud, you’ll get it back. Happens to all of us. I know it’s not good to do it this way but sometimes ordering some new GH or some dbol or something gets me back in the swing lol

Drexyl's picture

I’d upvote this, but I’m out of them until tomorrow lol. You’re 100% right, something as simple as a small purchase can be a huge motivation and get ya right back to throwing the weights around.

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Rosschestzip's picture

It’s kinda like a crack head mentality I guess, but it works for me man. I mean even a new preworkout or something can do it. Sometimes that’s also what can make a cycle so much better then just cruising. Times when I’ve tried to just kinda cruise I get into a rut, whereas cycling, I’ll make sure everything is on point, food, water, supplements, keeping a log, everything and just go hard for like 90 days. It would be best to be like that all year but if you can do like two or three super productive phases a year then that’s better then just pussy footin all year. The night before you start your cycle is like Christmas, you got everything ready to go!!

Drexyl's picture

Exactly, it’s not 1993 anymore and buying prohormones from vitamin shops, nor do we have to deal with the orange guy in the locker room that smelled funny and was always out of breath. You know the guy, closer to the time of the show he turned almost purple, eyes wide open, never won a show but had no problem hooking you up with overpriced anadrol lol. These sources really deserve more credit, getting some sauce back in the day was a serious pain in the ass.

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press1's picture

Nice one Buddy - But come on bro, GET YA JUGS OUT!!!

Ccacc's picture

That’s what I was thinking.. do I have to repost ?

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press1's picture

Can you not just go in and 'Edit this post and add more pictures?
Yes - you can bud, click on the Edit tab and add more piccys

Izzy75's picture

Who doesn't !?!?

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23Sparta's picture

Nice bro! Test PP, definitely want to give that ester a try sometime

Ccacc's picture

I really like it, very good labido

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press1's picture

Bud have you seen Kate Middleton has announced tonight that she has cancer?! I'm shocked

Drexyl's picture

I’d like to make love to her. Not because she’s ill, but because she’s a beautiful woman, and as a yank I’d like to stick it to you Brit’s every chance I can. I saw the Mel Gibson movie “The Patriot” many years ago, I’m still mad at you guys. Especially you Press lol. Are ya trying to mug me off in front of me pals?

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