Rosschestzip's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 7 Steroidify coming in hot


Idk why but these are just beautiful to me. I haven’t ran amps in a long time but they always just seem more legit to me. I thinks it’s because it would be hard for uncle Jerry to bottle these in his bathtub so you know someone’s atleast but a few dollars into the it operation.

Can’t wait to run these bad boys. As long as I can digest my food properly, then this up coming cycle is gunna be LEGENDARY (for me at least lmao)

Ordered from: 
Mac12769's picture

Love those Deus amps bro. I have several boxes of their goodies in my inventory as well.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I might run these more in the future, I like em, there smooth and overfilled and they’re pharmaceutical. Also the amps are just so clean to me, like your taking real pharma legit gear just cus it’s in the amp lol

Mac12769's picture

I try and pick some up on a good sale from time to time. But I should be good now for a good while Smile

23Sparta's picture

DEUS IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!! @press1

press1's picture

LMAO!!!! Yeah Ross those Amps are made in a proper Pharma factory in India Legally but then exported as per their Laws there.

Rosschestzip's picture

I thought it was European shit?? Or is that where India exports it to?

press1's picture

The Warehouse is in the EU mate where its held.

Rosschestzip's picture

I like the medical inserts too. ZPHC used to have them too, but now there all the same, like every box just gets this generic testosterone fact sheet, instead of one specific to the compound in the vial. Like today I leaned from one of the dues inserts that if you get too many random rock hard erections all the time it can lead to penis tissue damage

Rosschestzip's picture

Nice! Ya That’s what I like to hear. There a little over filled too, I open one of each and they were both about 1.2 ml so that’s cool. I might stick with them for awhile, at least for test. But they came from the EU, took over a month actually 30 days exactly I think. But I think it actually only left the Eu a few days ago so maybe it was a hiccup and next time might be faster idk.

press1's picture

That's SO true mate - all the amps are always overfilled and come out between 1.1 to 1.2 ml, which is quite funny as if you are splitting the DBol amps then often you can misjudge and get 0.7ml in one and 0.5ml in the other so in other words a shot can have 70mg DBol in it LOL

Rosschestzip's picture

At the gym wondering why your nose is bleeding and your nipples hurt , thinking your taking the same dose you always do lol

press1's picture

You can tell because the workout feels harder because you are breathing harder as your heart thumps out your chest due to increased BP from it LOL I've actually never had a nose bleed during training, Eddie Hall has had his eye ball pop out before due to BP which he then pushed back in and just carried on training as normal LMFAO

Rosschestzip's picture

WHAT?! do you believe it? I could see it popping out from pushing so hard but idk about popping it back in with no issues. I feel like you’d be like cross eyed or blind lol

press1's picture

I don't think it was a case of the whole thing was literally dangling out of the socket hanging on by the optic nerve mate LMAO I think it would have been part was slightly out and part in due to pressure build up but it was still mainly in the socket - just bulging out a bit. Dunno pal as if that happened to me I'd be passed out on the floor due to shock and mental trauma LOL He is a complete Nutter though so anything is possible - if he is determined to do something he will no matter what it takes.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya that’s true, I know what you mean, I bet it is true lol. And ya I’d probably be going home after that one and. Maybe not working out for a while

23Sparta's picture

Yup, that’s true, they are legit Pharma from India. You’re the one that first made me aware of that

press1's picture

Their Oral quality is something else entirely, the best.

23Sparta's picture

Sounds like my ex girlfriend, who coincidentally just got out of jail last Friday

Rosschestzip's picture

You gunna check to see if the oral quality has decreased since going away?Or have you already checked lol

23Sparta's picture

lol, naw man. I’ve been messaging her a little bit. Told my people out there to get a care package together for her, they asked for her sizes, I asked her and she hit me with some “L”s and some double digit numbers so I’m like, nawwww I won’t be pulling up on her. Plus she’s like top ten most infamous and most wanted out in the hood

press1's picture

The Big deciding factor though bud - does she take it in the ass? Scratch one-s head

23Sparta's picture

lol, in the ass!? Of course she does! That’s very basic and tame for the girls from my area

press1's picture

I gotta come visit the Sparta jungle sometime Lol If thats classed as tame then I'm excited!!! Lol

23Sparta's picture

I’ll fill the bed of the truck with females and drop you off at a motel with them. All you have to do is make sure that none of them steal your cellphone, that way you can call me as soon as you start having regrets

press1's picture

Mate you are really making all this sound like some FKed up shit!! I'm well up for it - I will still have my wedding tackle afterwards though right? No kitchen knives involved or anything? OR is it that all the women in your area are into pegging or what bro?!!

23Sparta's picture

Lmao, Press, you don’t have to worry about your wedding tackle. The worst things that I’ve ever witnessed go wrong with these females during sex were back in my day. There was a string of dudes found with their palms glued down to coffee tables. Also, there was this one chick, so beautiful. She used to cruise around with a severed head in a duffle bag. She would only fuck you if you allowed her to take the head out of the bag and place it on the bed with you guys.

press1's picture

The thing that would scare me about hookers and women like that nowadays is them videoing you and then using it for blackmail, if you didn't pay up they would then post it online. There must be loads of that going on these days.

23Sparta's picture

Press, no worries! I got this, I got a shipping container with an a/c unit cut into it, a bed and a safe bolted to the floor. We’ll take em there bro, nothing bad will happen to you. Promise:)

press1's picture

Is it gonna be like that Film called Nowhere where she wakes up in a shipping container in the middle of the sea?

23Sparta's picture

No, lol, this bad boy is dry docked for sure. You just gotta be on home turf when you’re fucking with these hoodrats. The price you pay for unbridled sexual deviance. Believe me, they love it at the compound

press1's picture

Hey So is Diddy Public Enemy No.1 over in the US atm then after the viral video of him beating Cassie up?

23Sparta's picture

lol, idk really Press. I haven’t seen too much, but I’m only on here and Reddit. Saw that Steven A Smith gave Diddy a hard time over that video.

press1's picture

They seem to be one end of the scale or the other on Reddit - either quite advanced guys or complete newbies smashing gear LMAO Never really know what you are dealing with.

Rosschestzip's picture

That’s exactly what it is. Either like teenagers starting out. Or mega nerds who know the molecular weight of every amino acid and compound known to man

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, that’s actually true. I don’t really use Reddit for PEDs, except I do follow one dude that’s seemingly very intelligent when it comes to a couple of peptides I use. I like commenting on female body builder’s physiques lol

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya or she just can press share location and have a whole gang of dudes set you up. Bitches be wild these days. Def stay away from the hood rat chicks and instagram hoes and Snapchat hoes

23Sparta's picture

Always collect the cell phones, everybody’s

press1's picture

HAHAHA Yeh the Dick suckers are generally the Bad Asses who bring nothing but trouble, annoying thing is though is they got the art of cock sucking mastered.

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, bless their hearts for that, but not worth the trouble right now. I’d be better off going and getting a rub and tug at the Asian massage parlor