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HMG on cycle/post


Haven't really looked into HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin) but was wondering if anyone had any personal use/feedback with it. Considering adding it to my next blast.

I understand HCG = LH stimulation, while HMG = FSH stimulation as well as LH (somewhat)

HMG is suspected to act on the entire hormone feedback loop while not spiking estrogen as much and not desensitizing the user.

just thinking out loud here - would it be beneficial to use HMG on cycle, or HCG/HMG together. hmmm

maybe this is something that is not well known enough, so people overlook it when trying to design the perfect cycle

post away!


XvBeast's picture


yellowirish's picture

I have very small balls, I wish I saw this about 15 years ago, however I have a boat load of children, the oldest an adult the youngest an infant, go figure I thought the super supplements were susposed to surpress ur sperm??? Oh well. Just venting.... Good post fellas!!

gatorbits's picture

The Scally Pct is good! HCG blast are good for anyone whom used steroids!
I like several of these methods:
1000Iu Ed for ten days
2000Iu Eod for twenty days

Hell Rich PINA USES 5000iu EoD!
When he comes off, and he actually does come off everything but HGH!


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