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You know when you reach your 50's, your outlook on life, your physique, and your future will likely go through a thorough re-evaluation. A realisation that perhaps ultimate mass is not all it's cut out to be, and that perhaps a more sensible approach leading to healthy longevity while still enjoying the asthetics of a good degree of lean muscular development, is perhaps a more mature and realistic goal. Surely to live a life in fantastic health, free of the use of toxic supportive drugs taken to counteract the side effects of excessive doses of anabolic hormones, is a far better option. The fact is, that with the intelligent use of an array of bio-identical hormones used in restorative dosages, combined with the scientific use of supplements and a healthy organic diet, the aging male or female can reach truly impressive levels of physical and mental youthfulness. I never, ever have the need to use supportive meds because I never have any side effects. I never have any side effects because I never replace any particular hormone deficiency with any more than was naturally occurring in my 20's. In most cases this is all you will ever need to do to live a life free of illness, full of energy, maintain a youth like sex drive, and have enough muscle to make other 50 somethings gasp in disbelief. As you can see from my photo, I may not have an impressive physique in terms of ultimate size, but when the shirt comes off, heads still turn ...and that's satisfying enough for me!

logan's picture

You look fantastic and your post is down to earth. I am 40 and have the same beliefs, keep it safe stay healthy and keep fighting off old age. I can't ever see me being anything but head turning when the shirt comes off. My girl is 8 years younger and at a family reunion in a park we were playing football(skins vs shirts) and her aunts thought from distance I was in my 20's they couldn't believe I was 40. It feels good when you get reactions like that (especially when they are all hot puerto ricans)