thahulk2014's picture
  • 303

+ 5 Test C/Mast E/DHB


Labs looked great so I just started this recomp/cut. Only 2 weeks in. I may play with and bump doses but so far heres what I got. 5’10” 265lbs. I usually start low and climb up as needed. Who else here likes to run this combo? This Dhb is smooth. I ran a similar one without mast and end game was good.

500mg Test C
450mg DHB
300mg Mast E
50mg var or win towards the end.

DeeMan's picture

Hulk smash!

DeeMan's picture

There he goes. Glad u enjoying man. I know your trying to recomp and I'm sure it'll get done. That ole masteron huh? No pip from dhb?

thahulk2014's picture

None when cut with test/mast bro.

MEXVOL's picture

Nice cycle for hoy many weeks? U are using DC dhb

thahulk2014's picture

Personally I gave all my dc shit to a buddy. Shit gave me bad vibes.

MEXVOL's picture

Okay bro best one best cycle i do was swoleoil dhb amazing but him is gone

thahulk2014's picture

Only 2 weeks in and ran twat prop in the beginning. Repping some decent weights today on chest day.

Black90tsi's picture

Where to you get your twat prop from? That sounds like a good time.

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thahulk2014's picture

If estrogen starts feeling to low im going to take the mast out and leave test/dhb.

DeeMan's picture

I don't blame you. You already know my stance on that.. Those achy joints lol

thahulk2014's picture

I think ill be good on this run.

DeeMan's picture

O yeah

press1's picture

Nice one Buddy!!

I think you need some body shots up with this post so you can show everyone the Beast in action Yes 3

flounder's picture

Yeah, I’m like 5’10” @ 265lbs! What does that even look like, esp “ recomp/cut”.
Well done!

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DeeMan's picture

What does it look like!?? You won't be able to see his whole body on your phone screen.

thahulk2014's picture

Weights feeling lighter for sure today. Been lifting for reps usually in the 8-12 range lately. 335lbs on incline bench for sets of 12 felt good.

thahulk2014's picture


NWApatches's picture

Looks like what you'd imagine in your mind.

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thahulk2014's picture

Think Im done posting pics bro. Almost deleted everything the other day. Like to be incognito.

DeeMan's picture

Same here man. But u already knew cause I told you already. Incognito it is!!!

flounder's picture

Don’t take that shit down! Incredible, inspirational, and motivational for those of us (most/all) who are unworthy. I can’t un-see that anyway!

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press1's picture

I can understand that mate, if everyone just imagines you basically look like your avatar they won't go far wrong LOL

Banjokid2020's picture

Looking forward to seeing/hearing how the cycle goes. Good luck man!

thahulk2014's picture


bigred250's picture

I just started something similar! First time running DHB. I have been on test / mast for several weeks (I love test/mast) and added in DHB at 300mg last week. Already more vascularity and def a leaning out effect. I am running 500 Test E, 300 Mast E and 300 DHB. After about 6 weeks I plan to drop the Mast and up the DHB to 450 to see the effects and look or test/DHB.

I've read Makwa's article, but how does DHB effect your AI?

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DeeMan's picture

Damn all y'all doing dhb, test and mast. New trend. Might have to jump on that train.

You ask about how it affects ai? We really don't know. Makwa and I chatted about it and he seems to think it increases estrogen by displacing testosterone. I think he got a small e2 boost from it if I remember. A few other guys said it decreased their e2 so it may depend on the person or even dosage.

wanted's picture

We might be behind the times and miss the boat with all this test , dhb , mast cycle

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thahulk2014's picture

Definitely person to person. I tried test at 200 with dhb at 450 and felt horrible. Felt low estrogen sides but on labs it wasn’t lowered. Feel like it was just working like mast would. As soon as I bumped test to match dhb dose all sides went away.

DeeMan's picture

I think I remember that. Goes to show you how important test is. Yeah man we really don't know too much about dhb but I'm sure we'll know more. Glad y'all enjoying. It pipped my ass up. I've been knowing about dhb since it came to the grey market many years ago.

NWApatches's picture

Your gonna see big results with the dhb in there. Or at least I think you will

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thahulk2014's picture

Im not running an ai, but every one is different. I keep ai/nolva on hand for emergencies.