TheF30Guy's picture
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Any tips for meal prep?


What's up guys, just wanted to ask for some tips/sources for meal prepping.
I struggle to find the right meals, these past few weeks I've mostly been eating the same ones.
Maybe some of you know a good yt chanel or something like that.
I usually eat 5-6 calorie dense meals a day, I need to get in around 4.500 cals.
Every sunday I prep 20 meals for the following week, I'd appreciate it if you guys had some good recipes for breakfast, lunch, pre workout and post workout meals.
As for meat I only eat poultry and beef, also like to eat fish here and there.
Also, how do you manage to eat more? Most of the time I struggle to get my meals in cause I'm almost never really hungry.
MK677 helped me a lot here, but I can't just take it for the rest of my life.
And are there any high calorie snacks?

Thanks in advance!

23Sparta's picture

Three scoops oat flour + 16oz of water used to wash down as much chicken as you can stuff into your mouth at one time = one meal prep

SeeOhShow's picture

High calorie snack is any snack where you’re drinking your calories. Like a smoothie: frozen strawberries, bananas, and blueberries, fairlife, some yogurt, and then heaping spoonful of nut butter of choice (I prefer almond)

You’ll get up into the 800-1000 cal range easily with the right ratios. Then be hungry again not long after since liquid cals aren’t very satiating

Jameshobbis's picture

My current meal plan if this helps
2g pink salt with each meal
20g eaas added in on training days

Meal 1(pre workout meal)
110g cream of rice
50g whey isolate
10g peanut drizzle

Meal 2 post workout meal
250g rice
250g chicken (seasoned but untracked)
20g siracha
2g pink salt
3 rice cakes
20g honey

Meal 3
250g rice
250g chicken (seasoned untracked)
20g siracha
4 rice cakes
20g peanut drizzle

Meal 4
100g cream of rice
50g isolate

Meal 5
200g 3% lean beef mince
250g rice
100g garlic and tomatoe pasta sauce
100g peppers
3 rice cakes
15g peanut drizzle

Meal 6
100g oats
40g cream of rice
50g isolate
20g peanut drizzle

4200 kcals 550c 350p 70f

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YRB's picture

can you help with the rice lmao I'm so confused on how too track it properly I weigh 150g dry then cook it and then divided into meals I have a feeling I'm undereating on the rice cause 150g dry is like nothing or i could be doing it right and i just want more lmfao!

SeeOhShow's picture

Water is zero cals. Track your rice by dry raw weight. Much easier that way. Whatever tracking app you use just put in the raw weight of rice you measured out before cooking. If you’re doing 4 meals from one batch then just do 1/4 per meal. It all averages out in the end anyways even if one meal is a little over and the other is a little under

YRB's picture

i just scanned the barcode on my shit made it a lot easier i see now thanks for the help! no wonder my cal deficit stalled way overeating on the rice!

AK80's picture

Even the legal delta 8 gummies will help spark your appetite. Pop tarts, Costco muffins and Rice Krispie treats are good for a pre-workout snack. Wash any of those down with some orange juice and pink Himalayan salt. 2 scoops of NutriBio Super Carb after the gym will give you 50 grams of clusterdextrin. Costco has the Snap Pak re-usable meal containers. Ground beef/bison with rice are good bases. Toss in a veggie of your choice with some salsa. Kodiak protein oatmeal with peanut butter is my go first meal in the morning after banana and coffee. 6 scrambled eggs with pink Himalayan salt and Cholula hot sauce an hour or so after that (do them in a bowl in the microwave and then bag them all up for the whole week) Evan Centopani and Kerrith Bajo have good YouTube videos and of course Universal Nutrition Animal Pak does too.

Rosschestzip's picture

A few months ago I randomly went from 190-201 in like 2 weeks without trying, I had been using a cbd pen and I must’ve really been eating cus now I’m stuck back at like 193ish, should probably start using that pen again

Black90tsi's picture

Those all have some easy meal prep stuff. I like to use my crock pot pretty frequently. You can throw in 2-3 lbs of chicken or pork loin and have enough pulled chicken/pork ready to go for the weeks lunch in a 2-3 hours. I also cook up a bunch of 1/4 lb burger patties on a large electric griddle most weeks. It's really easy to just grab 2 and a cup of rice or potatoes, throw them in the microwave for 2 minutes and have a decently filling meal ready to eat.

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anvil's picture

What is the macro content of those meals. I would just add 5-10% until you achieve the goal you are looking for. If MK677 helped take it until you hit your mark. Also stop looking at it as if it's about hunger. It's not, no real bodybuilder eats because their hungry. Most people complain it sucks to be eating as much as we have to, me included. If I ate based on hunger I would weight 200lbs.

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TheF30Guy's picture

I know bro, I force feed myself every day but sometimes I just can't get the food down...

anvil's picture

Completely understand. I feel that way often. Mostly on my second lb of chicken for the day. Not that I would replace anything but a good shake is definitely easier to get down.

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TheF30Guy's picture

thanks bro, will look into them.
I know chef jack ovens, I always make his meal preps, they're pretty good!