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+ 1 Would You Use a Vial of your Favourite compound that arrived leaking?


I received a Vial of my Favourite injectable compound a few months back now, that unfortunately stunk of guaiacol because the crimp had come a little lose from the neck of the vial and was leaking. Probably only lost about 0.5ml of oil if that but enough that the solvent has blurred the label on the vial.

I have been debating whether to use it or not ever since, if it was the early years of gear use I wouldn't have worried over it one bit and just pinned that Bitch!! However the longer we spend in the steroid game the more cautious we become and start wondering if something has managed to leak out, has contaminated oil also managed to get back inside the vial too?

So my question is a simple 'Yes' or 'No' as to whether you would use it or not, bare in mind this isn't just a normal vial of Test that can be bought for ten a penny too and replaced easily Lol ROFL

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Would You Use a Vial of your Favourite compound that arrived leaking?

34% (11 votes)
66% (21 votes)
Total votes: 32
Eagles 2013's picture

I voted yes. Not the safe option by any stretch but my logic is that if any small amount of bacteria got into the oil the BA should take care of it and if you only lost .5cc the leak much more than likely isn’t large enough for any large particles to get in.

Again, not the safest or smartest answer and as much as I’d love to say I always take the safest and smartest approach…. I don’t.

If it was half empty with a visible hole/tear/puncture in stopper, had visible floaters, etc then it would be a no brainer to toss it.

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Steeltoad777's picture

I would but I usually make decisions that don't work out.

Carlos Danger's picture

Voted no cuz I’m older now and shit just isn’t worth it. Now, have I pinned that before back in the day? Hell ya lol. Lucked out and never had an issue. Way back then shit used to happen a lot. Bad crimp jobs are too easy to avoid. Nowadays knowing what I know I’d pass on it for sure.

press1's picture

Hey Buddy - where ya been??!!

You stayin for a while this time or leaving us again? Lol

Black90tsi's picture

I wouldn't mess with it. It's just too easy to end up getting an infection. If something is leaking out then something can get in.

If you're dead set on using it i'd at least refilter it and put it all into a new sterile and properly sealed vial.

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Pumped_'s picture

Id use it. Like you said "earlier years", if it didnt hurt you then, it wont hurt you now lol. Thats the kind of guy i am. "God made dirt, dirt dont hurt". Unless there are obvious contaminations but we use our brains on that and know when to say no. I also believe in the 5 second rule still lol. Saying how my mind thinks.

press1's picture

Pumped saying it how it is LOL

Whats the 5 second rule? I know of the 24 hour rule where you wait that amount of time before deciding whether to retaliate or not Lol Not that anyone can make it that long Lmao

scoobydoo's picture

You don't have the 5 second rule over there? If you drop food on the ground, as long as you pick it up within 5 seconds, it's still good to eat. Lol

Rosschestzip's picture

What do I win if I guess the compound? cus if I know press I know what it is lmao. BUT if it’s what I think it is, the real press would’ve cracked into months ago lol

And to answer the question I’d say yes, the guiacol will probably murder anything dangerous in it. Probably not actually but that smell should be a pretty good defense lol

press1's picture

HAHAHA Yeah you know!! I managed to source a few vials of it in the UK that were left over on a pallet probably from a slow boat from China LMFAO!!! The first one was okay and I have been slowly using that on 'special days' to reminisce, but she's now gone and I have the leaky one still on the side.

Its like an Ex GF I still would really like to do in the Ass, I know I really shouldn't BUT it could end up being so much fun if things go okay?! But really my sensible head says you know there will be the inevitable repercussions of it.

Rosschestzip's picture

Isn’t it fine because of the Ba and Bb and guiacol? I know the guiacol isn’t anti-bacterial or anything but it’s a solvent which would give it corrosive properties. So wouldn’t they prevent bacteria growth, especially since it’s not contaminated with something like saliva or blood? Or is there no BA or BB cus it’s kinda like a suspension or whatever?

press1's picture

This is what I have said to myself before - this is 'if' something has managed to force itself back into the vial? Surely its much easier for oil to escape a vial especially as they seem to be a different pressure to the outside, rather than oil running over a vial and then back into the vial under the crimp? I dunno though, ultimately I am sure if I was laid up with my leg about to be amputated I would be saying what on earth made me run the risk of all this lol

Rosschestzip's picture

We’ll just inject into something you don’t mind losing, problem solved lol

press1's picture

Could be a problem there - even a little toe I wouldn't fancy losing lol

NWApatches's picture

If you stuck a vial of tren acetate up your ass with just the stopper showing and leaking, id draw from ya

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press1's picture

I am not sure who'd have to be the more trusting there - Me or you!! LMAO

infern0's picture

If you think about still using it, maybe try using a 0.22 micron syringe filter to help remove some of the bacteria or contaminants , still won't be 100% sterile though. I'd skip personally except if it leaked due to me breaking the crimp.

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scoobydoo's picture

Did you tighten the crimp of the seal? If not, I would say no.

miggymig's picture

Did that shit in my 20s had my WBC shot up sweating flu like symptoms I thought I was going to die spent 2 days in the hospital getting antibiotics pumped in me.... only good part was getting sponge baths by the nurses

press1's picture

Blimey really??! Did they ever find out what you caught from the vial at all?

miggymig's picture

It's was some fancy Staff infection, was all bad.

press1's picture

Blimey I don't think I have EVER seen a 13 year member on here before!!

miggymig's picture

I showed up the days doors opened lol J/K

press1's picture

Did they run promos back then or did they take a few years to happen?

miggymig's picture

Ton of promos and sales go through my pics I posted almost every promo I took place in. I got a lot of free gear sent to me just to review they since stopped that but it was wild west back in the day.

press1's picture

WoWW That is quite literally an Indexed Library of GEAR!!!

Some interesting looking stuff there Good

scoobydoo's picture

Your wife's picture id still up from Flash Friday. I like to check it out once in a while and reminisce. Lol

NWApatches's picture

Just seen those. I'm picking myself up off the floor.. just blacked out

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scoobydoo's picture

Lol. Yeah dude, years ago they had a Flash Friday and there were titties everywhere. Those were definitely the best.

miggymig's picture

What's up my man yea it's been 11 years she still look fire I'll see if she up for an updated one

scoobydoo's picture

Same old. I don't see you on here much. How have you been?

miggymig's picture

Good man I'm on TRT now but getting ready for a cycle so I'm taking a look to see who's who these days

scoobydoo's picture

There's a couple of the older sources still kickin'.

Slim0983's picture

If the contents can leak out contaminants can get in.

creatinehcl's picture

Infection vs whatever you would get from one vial of steroids. I choose infection LOL Just kidding of course! My opinion is that it is not worth the possible risk.