Rosschestzip's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 7 Purple back discoloration???


Uhmm so I know the pictures not amazing but in like the center of my back you can see super dark purple areas. And In the middle of a set they turn almost black. Anyone know what it is ? The only thing I can think of other than just bursting blood vessel from pushing hard, is that’s close to the areas I had shingles. Or Am I just so hardcore that I’m rupturing and bursting out of my natty flesh and evolving to my true juicy self?

TrenAThor's picture

I get something like that in my left delt when it gets pumped. It goes from near the front to the middle of delt. I'm not sure what it is either but from looking at it I think it is some type of blood vessel because it's weird it only happens when I work out. It's not a huge spot maybe a half dollar size or so but kinda looks like that spot on the left side of your back by the spine.

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wanted's picture

Im gona just say it !!! To me it it reminds me of the time i went to the massage parlor and the ladies walked on my back in high heels. Hurt but felt good. Or looks like your lady whips, chains , and handcuffs you.

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Rosschestzip's picture

lol my girls so vanilla even if she was to do those things it probably wouldn’t leave a mark lol.

But for the first year or two we were together she was to embarrassed to scream or make any noise during sex so she would just fucking claw my back to fucking ground meat, like taking handfuls of my flesh and ripping it off. Adrenalines running so I didn’t care much and there was a couple times were my back looked pretty fucked up. Also it would be in her moms house so she didn’t want her to hear, fast forward a few years to her fucking moaning and screaming, still in her moms house and realize you left the bedroom door open and it’s the middle of the day, now thats fucking awkward lmao

wanted's picture

Lol when the mom winks at you as in saying good job FUTURE son in law LOL
I never had the patience with the vanilla.—- I like them sick and f-ucked up like me in the bed. But hang in there some are worth the wait and you never know of you leave little hints to her about spicing it up you never know

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Rosschestzip's picture

It’s been 15 years…. I didn’t know there was worse than vanilla, now it’s gluten free, soy free, dairy free, sugar free, fat free, vegan friendly vanilla!

Jockstrap's picture

Mine does the same deal each back day. Pump just popping the small capilaries. No pain or tenderness like muscle injury....boom! Keep killin it

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya back is my favorite, I just love going super heavy and no real risk of injury like push workouts. Like benching, OHP and stuff, I’ll feel little tweaks amd creaks so can’t go as heavy as I’d like but rowing and pulling LOAD IT UP!!!

iFit's picture

I hope that continues for you. Didn’t work out for me as a 2 level lumbar fusion and 3 level laminectamy was my end result of going heavy for years.

Rosschestzip's picture

I shouldn’t say all pulling movements, cus I def think deadlifts and pulling off the floor can be rough and squats also. But the stuff I primarily do heavy are mostly all sitting down or chest supported. Also I only do weight that I can actually do with that muscle, if I lift with anything other than the muscle I’m supposed, I’ll feel it for days. I just won’t deadlift cus I can’t get my form correct so I can practically feel it doing damage so I just won’t do it.

Jockstrap's picture

You got this...feel good then go with it. Muscle pulls or injury youd know the feeling. Enjoy sir

Sackbird's picture

I thought that was a shadow. You must be going pretty hard. I’m going to ask a teenaged broccoli head what color my back is after every set.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Probably can’t help you, they havent learned colors in school yet

Sackbird's picture

You’re right. I’ll just ask if dat shit cappin’ or bussin’.

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Hawaiano's picture

It appears to be hypoxia, due to large concentrations of blood and little oxygen in the area. Try those famous cups everyone and everwhere they are using now and it should improve.

Rosschestzip's picture

Oh shit is that what that’s for? I’ll have to check em out

Hawaiano's picture

It improves the blood flow and removes toxines from the vessels. I had used them when I had the same problem with hypoxia in my back and it completely changed my life, congestions are way better now and no more purple back that eventually leads to acne.

press1's picture

Ohh Hell Noooo mate!!!! Is he talking about those Blood letting cups where they put them on and then they suck blood through your skin into the cup??!! They are one of the most Disgusting things known to man LOL A Guy on here use to have his back covered in them as his avatar years back Bad

Rosschestzip's picture

I know people use the guy that just leaves like bruises and doesn’t actually pull blood out, I think nick walker does it. There’s a mom at my daughters dance class that comes in covered in the circle bruises all over her, idk what she does it for but she seems to do it all the time

Sackbird's picture

Lol no blood actually comes out. You just look like you got lit up with massive paintballs for like a month. I’ve had it done. It’s definitely uncomfortable when doing it but helps afterwards.

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press1's picture

I think the stuff I have seen done is where they must prick your back before putting the cups on, then the holes bleed due to the suction. I assume thats what they are doing.

Hawaiano's picture

Cupping therapy is an ancient healing technique that some people use to ease pain. A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs or other parts of your body. A vacuum or suction force inside the cup pulls your skin upward.

Cupping therapy is a form of traditional medicine that originated in China and West Asia. People have practiced this method for thousands of years.

press1's picture

I am sure I have seen it though where blood comes through into the clear plastic cup and sits in there - or am I mistaken? Scratch one-s head

Rosschestzip's picture

Phil heath put a video on instagram like 5 minutes ago and when he’s walking around you can see the circle bruises/marks on his back from those cups

creatinehcl's picture

There is dry and wet cupping therapy.
Wet is the only effective one in my opinion.
It looks nasty because something like bloody gelatin comes out.

wanted's picture

There was this HOT HOT chick at my gym NEVER seen her before who was doing pull downs the other day with those deep red/purple welts. Looked sexy as hell

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23Sparta's picture

Purple-back gorilla????

Rosschestzip's picture

I am running all GK gear besides the gh which coincidently is also a primate themed brand lol. The secret side effect of combining the two together turns you into an actual purple back gorilla, that’s why gk uses purple as his theme color

23Sparta's picture

Some primatologist is gonna hit you with a tranq dart

anvil's picture

Good excuse for a shirtless back photo Ross...Stop catching me..

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23Sparta's picture

Now I gotta have someone check to see if my back turns purple when I workout and if it doesn’t I’m gonna have a complex. Thanks @Rosschestzip

anvil's picture

tonight i will

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23Sparta's picture

I wouldn’t expect anything less

NWApatches's picture

It does. Mine will have a blueish hue under the blackish purple

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23Sparta's picture

Damn you too bro? You guys are some savages. I know my face turns purple but don’t think it’s the same thing

Rosschestzip's picture

To be honest idk even know if that’s what mine even is, did you hear how Steve said it goes a way in a few minutes? Mine is always there but just gets crazy dark when I’m working out but you can still see something there all the time

23Sparta's picture

Well, maybe most of it goes away. You’re pretty fair skinned

SeeOhShow's picture

Wait so those long sleeve shirts can actually come off????

23Sparta's picture

I send you my onlyfans link

Rosschestzip's picture

The one thing I can be ahead in, the fucked up side effects lol

23Sparta's picture

Naw man, you heard Steve, that’s a badge of honor. Honestly, puts into perspective how hard you train

Rosschestzip's picture

*used to. I used to go hard as fuck on back day. I think my CNS is just so fried I need like a full week off. I took two days off in a week and I felt much better and was able to go harder again, not quite 100% but better so I think a little more rest and I’ll be back in business!!

23Sparta's picture

Haha, you only slowed down because your body pulled the fucking e-brake on your ass

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya pulled it hard on me. I used to go so fucking hard. I’d have my girl come to the gym and I’d be fucking grunting and growling and shit and when I couldn’t do a single rep more id have her push the bar or machine or whatever I was doing and keep repping out even if she was pushing like most of it, I’d just go until I fucking died lol. After doing my last like two exercises like that I’d lay on the floor with a towel over my face for like 15 minutes. I’m surprised old ladies didn’t complain lol. People probably thought I was crazy at that gym. I should’ve been taken off days every week not twice a year lol

23Sparta's picture

Haha yeah, that’s my bro right there. That’s how you get it. lol, I pictured all of that in my head, yeah, I’m sure you were the subject of a few conversations. Damn though, for real, that’s the kind of energy every workout car needs

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya it’s hard to keep that up alone. But I’m just not gunna be another one of those dudes that you see at the gym everyday for ten years and look exactly the same and never improve

23Sparta's picture

I know that’s right. Something is gonna happened. I’m either gonna get bigger, leaner, fatter, something

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I thought it was a great excuse too. But as far as catching you….not gunna happen, your like 60 pounds ahead, at this rate it’ll catch up to you in like 8 years lol

NWApatches's picture


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23Sparta's picture

…. makes us related. Loyalty makes us family

NWApatches's picture

23spartains 13:5

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