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Sus 250 only cycle


So this is my first post so please be nice! Just looking for the best advice really.

I’m going to do a sustanon only cycle. This will be my 2nd Cycle so new to it all. Done so much research but I’ve read so much it’s hard to know what’s best so that’s what I’m here for.

I’m 24 currently weighing 83kg in a deficit currently until my BF is 10%

So my questions would be. Do I go straight in and run 500mg for 12 weeks for taper in my dose to see for sides?

I’ll have arimidex on hand in case my nips get sore. Learnt that from my previous cycle. But is there anything else I should run Alongside?

And interms of a PCT I was going to use enclomiphene12.5mg per week with nolva and clomid doing the standard 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50

I thought no hcg seems it’s a very light cycle

elpharma's picture

That's An Excellent Body. Cool

AK80's picture

100mg on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You do not need 500mg per week. On your 5th week, you need to get your blood tested and post the results in here. We will tell you how much Arimidex you need. You might not even need it at all. 12 or 16 weeks total should be all you need until you start PCT. We'll discuss those details shortly before the end of your cycle so you have everything on hand and ready to go.

Aids-n9's picture

Thanks for the comments, can I ask why not 500mg from what I’ve seen that’s a relatively medium dose? Would I gain the same amount of mass from 300 as from 500?

Also will do I’ll update weekly

AK80's picture

Sustanon has 4 different esters in it. From my experience, you'll have plenty of time for them to overlap - weeks. It's not like C or E where it only lasts up to 8 days. Prop is 2 days. TNE is like 8 hours. All that plus it's only your 2nd cycle, it's safer. Trust me, after 12-16 weeks you'll put on 15 pounds easily.

Aids-n9's picture

Thanks, I’ll keep you all updated

Jameshobbis's picture

I know what its like being 24 and nomatter what anyone says your going to do it anyway my first cycle was at 25.
You say your 83 kg and in a deficit until you get to 10% bodyfat. the sust will be useless while in a deficit so id say get down to your 10% body fat without adding in anything in just yet where your lean enough and then add in the sust so you get the most out of the rebound when you start putting food back in as you will gain alot of lean tissue already starting off from a leaner position. If you add it in now your just wasting the progress you could have made.

What dose have you already planned this at? If you are planning on running around 500mg per week i would pin every m,w,f at 0.7ml per shot to keep the levels semi stable. If you are planning on pinning twice a week you may aswell run e or c as the sust will give you to many peaks and valleys but 3 times a week would be fine unless you want to micro dose and pin smaller amounts daily.

Everything else looks like you have this covered but id still run bloods post cycle to make sure you have fully recovered after pct

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Aids-n9's picture

Sorry for the confusion. My plan was to cycle once I’ve reached 10%bf then cycle on my bulk. Yes planning on running 500mg per week so 3 times a week would be fine for me should I taper in my dose? Or go straight to 500mg

Thanks for the comment appreciated

SeeOhShow's picture

Don’t taper. Just hit it at what you want from the start. You might wanna add one more inj with that sust for stability. I don’t like standard EOD, because I gotta keep track of when I last pinned, so my version of EOD is Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun. That way I know I always pin on a set day and don’t forget. You’ll get pretty damn stable levels on sus that way. Yea it’s back to back Sun/Mon but that doesn’t matter. Or you can say fuck it and do ED pinning for even less volume per shot. Up to you

anvil's picture

Best advice at age 24 is to reach your peak without any gear. At 83kg you have plenty of room to grow. Hold off as long as possible. Look to improve diet, training, you can't inject those.

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Aids-n9's picture

Yeah I expected someone to say hold off for as long as you can. Main reason I’m doing the cycle is to kickstart my powerlifting career. So I have a head start. Thankyou tho!

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