Hotmailsucks's picture
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+ 1 What is the best preworkout you've ever used?


I know a lot of guys on here like to brew their own preworkout concoction, but what are some of the store bought ones that anyone has had good experiences with? My buddy is trying to get me to try Bullnox, it's all he talks about.

backdraft3's picture

Pmp by GAT is some good shit. I'm taking the stim free one now and I have some crazy ass pumps and I'm off cycle.

DSTER's picture

Aventus by delta labs is some stuff I've been buying locally.
Strong stuff
Dmaa + Ephedrine

redneckfreak's picture

APS MesoMorph and dust v2 the cotton candy flavor was good

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Sickko23's picture

Original formula Dust Extreme or Insane Labs Psychotic(best one) and APS MesoMorph

12bravo's picture

I dont use preworkout anymore, but I used to use C4 and Jack3d. Pretty great combo even after they had to change jack3d.

MrLockDown2015's picture

Centurion Labz Rage is one of my go to's right now. It compares in results to Meso but seems cleaner.

Manshit's picture

APS mesomorph is by far the best pre workout.It will swell the prostate though.Its like using super pump and adderal together.

Activ1st's picture

"ravage" from gnc that shit is insane and at least for me it's not like other preworkouts where you get used to it real fast and it stops taking effect. Only problem is that it's a bit pricey that's why I stopped buying it. And as far as the pre made ones that you get from vitamin shoppe or gnc has to be speed stack from ABB

Christophany's picture

My best pre-workout has been food. One or two cups of black coffee helps out as well.

giardap's picture

I make my own as most preworkouts are sugar-filled-shite

I use some or all of:
Butter or another mct-type oil like cocnut or mct oil itself for fuel, cialis for NOX, caffeine (3-400mg or two shots decent coffee) for endurance/mental energy and Leucine to kick start protein systhesis/ensure anabolism and to flood the system to avoid excessive muscle breakdown

doublebicep's picture

Cardarine, hands down, that my friend is the way. You just dont get tired you might not get the pump or the feeling that ll you kill the gym but you wont have side effects. No crashing or jitters you just seem to have natural energy that doesn't stop

Roidney Dangerfield's picture

Mesomorph from APS , or Dust Extreme from Blackstone Labs

romchik88's picture

30mg Anavar 1 hour before workout.

Manshit's picture

Yes that's nice add 300 mg of caffeine with it and it's really effective!!!!!

eric8989's picture

So far the best I have used is Pre-Jym by Jim Stoppani. When I first used one scoop I was super jittery, but I have since built up a tolerance. Full as F&ck by Rich Piana is a solid non-stimiluant pre-workout to get solid pumps.

ashop's picture

A solid DMAA based pre workout is APS MESOMORPH..powerful stuff!

epz1's picture

High Volume by PES. Best pump product I've ever taken and it doesn't have a drop of stims in it. You can add your own stims to whatever dose if you want or you can go stim free (my preference)

Zee's picture

The original Jack3d was the best I ever had. Currently using pre-kaged

stairmaster's picture

I ordered dust from blackstone, I use it in combo with hype. great pre stack! try it, you'll be definitely delighted!

Roid Noid's picture

I been using C4, its decent

giants59's picture

I used one called extreme factor 3.0 about a year or two ago and it was really good. But I haven't touched one of those since I started taking gear.
If anything I'll go with a good intra-workout and that seems to keep me going throughout my workout

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denadayang456's picture

To stay sharp and focus in mind that added energy to boost your mental clarity when performing both pre workout and post-workout, you should take FOCUS that also strengthening your energy and endurance.

northernoilguy's picture

The best bang for your buck is making your own preworkout. It's costs more up front but you save in the long haul cheaper costs per servings, also you know your getting full dosages of ingredient. But if you'd like me and don't want to do all the measuring then "pre-kaged" or "pre-jym" products have high dosages and good ingredients but they do cost an arm and a leg.

BodyBuilding2020's picture

The best one i've used lately is Blackstone Labs Angel Dust V2 . But I want to try a different one because i'm getting use to Angel Dust V2. But this pre-workout has good pumps, it's high stimulant. If don't like high stimulant pre-workouts I would try a more milder one than this one.

ashop's picture

AAN Preworkout Extreme is another solid one. AMP Citrate based for nice energy and good pump matrix as well.

bigHVW8's picture

Aps mesomorph or Komodo vaskular is good for pump only or you could add dmaa or amp citrate for energy and focus

ashop's picture

Been using some AMP Citrate products. Focus Nutrition Hercules,,CTD Hypercuts and NOXIPRO.
Strong stuff,,,no question. Keeps my wired all day.

Pericu's picture

I create my own.
1. it's way cheaper.
2. You know what you get
3. No fancy shit which doesn't need to be in there which is directly connected to 1 & 2

Dsb2931's picture

Olimp redweilder works well for me and gives me a nice pump

knuckleswollen's picture

I have tried most. Lately I have been taking OUTLIFT it has all the goodies and no bs. If you do use mix up the night before or give it 30 min to sit. If not that I have always liked the caffeine and ephendrine stack too.

whiteNcrispy's picture

I hate preworkout supplements. All those powders suck IMHO. You have no idea just exactly what you're taking half the time. I've had sides ranging from sever crash bitch syndrome, to night sweats and insomnia long after.

I prefer 200mg Caffeine + 25mg ephedrine to anything on the market. It gives me energy and beneficial bronchial dialation. Plus I come off it easy and after only about 4 hours I'm out cold at night.

You can get both OTC in most states in the US. I buy Primatene tablets for ephedrine and Stay Awake for caffeine. One box of Primatene has 60 tablets for around $12 each tablet has 12.5mg of Ephedrine HCL. It also has guaifenesin which is a cough expectorant, i.e. something that makes coughing more "productive". You have to present your ID and legally can only purchase and posess a certain quantity per month; every state is a bit different. But, I don't go through even 1 box a month, and it's cheap and readily available.

Stay Awake are the caffeine pills I buy at the grocery store. I get 100 tabs for around $8 with each tablet haing 200mg caffene.

The combination is what I've found works best for me and is a relatively small dose and far superior to anything else on the market IMO. Ephedrine is hands down the best preworkout, particularly for the bronchial dialating effect. It's just my opinion, but I think it increases my endurance tremendously. More room for air in the lungs should translate to more O2 per breath.

annagibbson's picture

The pre-workout are a number of supplements taken in conjunction 30-45 minutes before training to improve physical performance and muscle mass gain .

It may interest you to create your own mix for pre-workout if you do not want to spend money on expensive commercial supplements and take the match made ​​in these cases, you can buy at any dealer the powdered supplement to make yourself your own mixes It is much cheaper but less convenient, but the savings are worth.
Here is my pre-workout plan

Trenabolic's picture


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UgtaBkdNme's picture

that's not an answer...

Minus's picture

Assault from musclepharm. Not too strong but gives you a lot of endurance.

ashop's picture

CRAZE and the original Gaspari DETONATE

kdebless's picture

A shot of espresso and a bagel with honey...

ericnonaya's picture

craze was hands down the best i ever tried it was so good i knew it would be banned eventually so i bought ten of them and still have 4 un opened containers:) also ive noticed that whenever you notice your not getting much out of the preworkouts anymore just dont use any for a week or two and boom next scoop is like the first time!

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Just bought BPI 1.M.R one more rep and it's pretty sick dude... I bought the vortex formula it's about $1.00 per serving and it contains; 50 servings. I got it on sale 50% off. It's main ingredient is Niacin 20 mg per serving (as nicotinic acid)...Niacin is involved in the breakdown of all major foods. It is essential for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat; and is involved in the conversion of calories to energy. It also contains a 1,750 mgs "Full Speed Vortex Matrix" comprised of; Glycerol, Caffeine, White Leadwort, Securinega, and Yohimbe. The only thing I don't like when I'm doing my shopping and comparing is these "Matrixes" they don't break down the individual ingredients in grams so you know exactly what you're paying for. I always watch the amount of servings and price per serving..If you calculate it to be a dollar or less than chances are you're getting a good deal. By the way, just picked up BPI Whey-HD and badda boom baby, shit is electric dynamite with a laser beam. Beats the shit out of BSN Syntha-6 and that stuff is good.

NoWeakAces's picture

Currently, the best I've found is Mr. Hyde from Pro Supps. I like C4 too, but it's costly. I prefer my pre-workouts to contain a lot of caffeine so I stick with these 2.

awagz's picture

Funny, I saw this as I was drinking my Bullnox...I'm a fan of it as well...I got all of two hours of sleep last night due to my lil girl getting teeth in, and had a long day of physical work in the cold( 25 degrees w 45mph wind today), and I took one serving if Bullnox, had a great back workout, ESP being I'm off cycle...blows away c4, the curse, ON amino, NO Xplode, and a few others...I'd suggest it highly bro

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Indfanfromcol's picture

I have tried a lot of them out there. MP's Arnold Iron Pump was pretty good. Made my face feel like it would burn off, which I like.

armykid93's picture

I really like blitzz, but I'm not a stim junkie so that's why. It's got a good combo of stuff to help you recover and a little caffeine which helps if I'm feeling extra tired. I don't really use pre workout often though

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Crack Cocaine... joking of course

bigHVW8's picture

if u don't want to make it yourself aps mesomorph is good or a couple of scoops of cellucor c4 (on sale at Costco 2 30 serv containers for $31)

armykid93's picture

Making pre workout yourself is so much better. Dosing is up to you and everything can be bought in bulk so it's often cheaper. Spray some MIO in with it and your good to go

JDM82's picture

2-3 scoops of coffee mixed with half a can of cola. Cheap and highly effective. I think some call it Hyphy mud but I call it 2-3 scoops of coffee with half a can of cola. Mix and neck it down. Works better than any pre workout.

If you want a brand pre workout then I personally like Animal Rage powder. I used to like Jacked 3 and Dorian Yates NOX but they have all been weakened.

yardleynow's picture

Interesting. Have never heard of this but I may give it a try. Thanks.