Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

+ 4 Ashop Promo II


Recently I was part of ashops promo and my package ended up sitting in ISC for over three weeks. I was under the impression that it was either seized or lost in transit. I was desperate for some anavar to start my showcase, and ashop reshipped for me, I offered to return it and they said it was no problem! Awesome customer service, and BP make my absolute favorite orals. So there's 400 Winstrol, 230 Anavar, 200 Danabol and 20 cabers! Had three GP danabol left in my stash bottle so dropped them in the picture to sweeten it up a bit.

Ordered from: 
birdbear27's picture

Now that's a pretty picture. Mad jelly of your little muscle mints.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

I like to put them into a bag, and shake it.. reach in and grab four random pills and that's what I run that day.... just kidding dude LMAO

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

Nice skittles +1

Dextermorganlv's picture

Yummy!!!! +1

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Bro this would've been a lame pic if you didn't throw in those other 3 dbols lol! +1 Love me some Balkan orals.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

hahaha I didn't want all those GP fans out there hating me XD; so I had to spread some GP love.

2muchmuscle's picture
