eighty7's picture
eighty7 1460


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 99.2727% 55 Quality 100% 55 Delivery 96.3636% 55 Service 99.6364% 55 Pricing 98.9091% 55
  • simonmagus84 » Please provide a more elaborate review featuring products used, duration of cycle and results from the items. This is a very generic review that doesn’t provide much information.
  • [new] Joon21 » Will next time
  • press1 » That was NOT the correct answer!
  • [new] Joon21 » Test E, mast 200, tren 100 8 weeks into it weight stayed at 220 but significantly leaner while staying at same weight. No side effects taking 12.5 aromasin EOD. Stuff is definitely legit. Dosing 300 test, 600 mast, 180 tren weekly
  • simonmagus84 » Make a new review more detailed. It helps boost your Karma as well as the sources credibility.
Tren85's picture
My overall experience

Best source I've ever used, consistency of t/A of orders for me is 4 days and quality is top notch. Never had any problems so to convince me of ordering from someone else is out of the question. Tracking is available upon request but it's not necessary your package will arrive and for me pure has never made a mistake with my order.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test e, sustanon, equipoise, deca, tren e, dbol, anadrol, cialis, tamoxifen, aromasin. Best cycle I ran was 600 weekly test e, 400 week tren e for 16 weeks, and for 4 weeks ran 50 mg daily of anadrol. Packed on 52 pounds and only had to use aromasin couple times when nipples became soar, no problems from tren. It's all good and the quality is top notch, only had pip couple times but it was my fault not the gear.

Customer service

If I ever have a question emails are responded to within hours and I've never had any issues other than my last order didn't get a response to a tracker. Didn't matter package arrived in 4 days like it has every time. Ordering couldn't be any simpler

Shipping and Delivery

4 day t/A every time and I've placed probably 6 orders. Packaging is neat and secure I have no worries. If you don't get your package fast I'd say it's a problem with postal service not pure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I hope this source stays around a long time, the low prices, and quality makes it hard to beat. Very very professional, wanted to say thankyou 87

I recommend shopping here!
Chris_cris_chis's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I absolutely love PureAnabolics.BZ. I will not order from anyone else. I’ve been on and off cycles with their products long enough to know where it’s at!. So overall it’s always a great experience I enjoy the fast ordering super simple, hard to fuck up and the fast shipping. Fuck! it’s chefs kiss!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Good quality products especially the test.. I use test cyp btw… and it’s great! If you disagree you probably had a messed up childhood. I have some lab results from my last cycle
(dbol-test cyp) my test levels were over 3,000 they couldn’t get an accurate reading. I shit you not I’ll provide the lab results to prove that to the non believers. I was doing 750mg a week of test cyp.. so what. I felt amazing,, I still do! I always put on about 15-20 pounds on a cycle regardless so results are amazing!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I never have reason to reach out to them cause the process is simple af. Place order, pay, and wait 3 days it’s stupid easy. No reason for me to ever contact these guys. There amazing

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging always discreet love how they vacuum seal the stuff it just really gets me going especially the extra sample of cialis that’s thrown in every time I order. God I love ordering here I mean that from the bottom of my heart !

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/04/2024 - 14:17
Entic3's picture
My overall experience

First, I know not everyone is the same. My first pin of test I could literally feel my levels spiking. Same with the Dbol 30 min before hittin the gym.
3 days in I can feel how my body is changing. Sex drive is through the roof. Rock hard erections and my mood has definitely improved. Overall I’m completely happy with their product.
Only downside at the moment is forcing myself to sleep because of my energy levels it feels like I don’t need to sleep.
Some PiP but not bad at all.

Update 6 weeks in:
All the things you’d expect.
Started dbol first 4 weeks. Packed 16lbs muscle.
2 Weeks into tren ace 100 : hornier than a dog every damn day
All while doing test cyp 250 @ every 3rd day

Products, effectiveness and results

For me, very very very effective. Loving the results!

I ordered Test Cyp 250, DBol Inject, Tren ace 100 and Novladex.

Customer service

Didn’t really get any communication from them. No response to an email I sent but it also wasnt a very important question.

Shipping and Delivery

Ordered on a Thursday, got it the Friday the following week.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/03/2024 - 04:28
Rg23's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

My overall experience with pure is nothing but the best to say the least ! Since I started my journey with anabolics it was hard at first to find legit reputable sources that wouldn’t rip you off and have you worrying about dose accuracy and even being completely bunk but I can assure everytime I order here the stuff is the real deal and it truly puts my mind at ease knowing I don’t need to stress about what I’m getting.

Products, effectiveness and results

I’ve ordered multiple times throughout the past year and have used a handful of items all which are 100% great and hit hard everytime
Test e 300
Tren a
I’ve been blasting and cruising for about a year now the test is great test as you’d expect, has me feeling driven and ready to go even when I’m just on trt levels, when blasting I’ve worked all the way up to about 1000mg test and about 600-700 tren with absolute great pumps and I can feel and see my body changing within days of the tren everytime it’s absolutely fire. I would get night sweats before but I feel my body has adjusted to that for the most part now I’m just super hot on the tren and aggressive at times for sure but nothing too crazy if you know you know how it is on high tren but it’s all about the person and how you can control yourself. Superman pills are insane for pumps in the gym and in the bed, sometimes even too much haha pop a whole one and you’ll still be hard after you go to town just trust me.
Aromasin works well as it should, takes away my water bloat and nip sensitivity right away, using it at 25mg daily when blasting High test.
Superdrol is insane and hits hard but can only run for short times or just here and there I’ll dose it high for one workout to get an extra boost, definitely some strong stuff be careful boys haha.

Customer service

Haven’t necessarily neeeded to reach out for anything but can tell you it’s on par, 87 is always active and has a great community and is a solid guy from what I see. Every order has been smooth sailing for me

Shipping and Delivery

Shits kinda scary quick, I’ll order on a random Sunday and it’ll be in my mailbox in like 2-3 days at times dudes got this shit down to an art form. You’d think it’s Amazon prime or something but just solid like clockwork and nice and tightly sealed everytime with a free pack of cialis too !

Price to performance
Additional comments

You just truly can’t go wrong with this place, best prices and best delivery, great having a place like this around has made my anabolic journey amazing thus far for sure !

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/28/2024 - 23:15
Smalldawg11's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I was fortunate enough to be part of a promo for this source and I also placed an order as well following that promo and my experience has been great. All around professional company and quality products.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

For the promo I got masteron, and injectable Dbol. I have not used the masteron e test but I used the injectable Dbol in conjunction with another sources test e and tren e from this source. The injectable Dbol was great and I ran it for 3 weeks. Pip was non-existent and strength went through the roof. I had little to no water retention as well. The product is great but it did suppress my appetite which is a personal thing. I also ordered tren e and testosterone no ester for preworkout. So, for the tren e, it was great. I gained muscle and it cut fat. I had explosive strength gains and people priced my change in physique. Personally it did not agree with my body but I did run it for 8 weeks. Phenomenal compound overall. All in all with this cycle between another sources test and 87’s Dbol and tren I gained about 15 pounds, and I was an absolute animal I’m the gym. Very happy to be apart of the promos and to be a customer. Also, I had very little to no acne and I’m usually acne prone. I almost forgot, insisted cialis to add to the collection and it worked as expected. It’s pretty powerful and gave some great pumps.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was spot on. I contacted him one time with a question and it was answered right away. I also received a cialis free bee!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Package arrived in 6 days I believe and was tightly wrapped. No issues whatsoever.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great source and professional. I would order again.

I recommend shopping here!
NPCIFBB707's picture
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Ranchjones's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top quality no need to purchase elsewhere , the overall experience was great , felt it was easy and straightforward

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Everything i ordered was effective and of great value , i noticed immediate aggresiveness and strength increases, leaness in about a week after running anavar, goals werent for size more hardness , i cannot say my appetite increased alot , libido def increased especially a day after test and tren taken, id say libido was most noticable of all things but def strength and leaness was accomplished as well , pumps were great

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Responsive customer service , need a bit of guidance on how to send donation and was met with clarity , easy as could be, received a sample of cialis which was a pleasent suprise

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Securely packaged and came i believe in 5 days , thats incredibly quick, really well put together operation all around

Price to performance
Additional comments

Anavar 50, tren e 200, test e 300
Got lean and strong , no pip at all, strength bumped up, like the long ester option for tren as most is acetate , the value is unmatched , LIBIDO supercharged , didnt notice desire to eat more which is nice for me

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/27/2024 - 22:27
Smalldood's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Got dhb and deca in a give away and im very please with the quality of gear. Thank you for giving me a chance to try your products for free.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Had absolutely no pip with the dhb! Deca did make me very watery but also my joints felt amazing squatting 5 plates and shoulder pressing 275lbs. I always get some acne but with the deca i got more than usual. Cleared up when cycle was over but glad it wasnt tank top season because it made me insecure.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I honestly didnt have to talk to 87 at all besides giving him my address. But in previous experiences he is good at getting back to you.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I know shipping while in a promo is completely different. I didnt even know when it got shipped but the package arrived secure. Knowing how delivery drivers handle our packages i had 0 worries in the items breaking do to him packaging it very well.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • Smalldood » Its important to note that i didnt want to grade shipping and customer service as it wasnt required. Admin should have a different review for promos and give away and even for price as all that should be reviewed is quality of gear.
Jmm14da's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Been ordering from these guys for years. Never had an issue with delivery and packaging. Havent had a complaint about quality yet.

Products, effectiveness and results

I've used their test E, Sustanon and Prop. Tren E and A, Mast prop, deca. dbol inject and pills. Anadrol, viagra and cialis/
I'm 34 and and have been running gear on and off since I was 26. When off gear I come down to around 190-205 and strength decreases, when I'm on my body weight is between 215 and 230+ and strength is always up. I've mainly used these guys as my source the last few years and there hasn't been a cycle where I didn't see results or feel like I wasn't on gear. Only did blood work a few times while on but test levels were always high when I did.

Customer service

Cant think of any issues, any time I have contacted 87 he was always pretty quick to respond. Ordering process is simple and easy.

Shipping and Delivery

always discreet and quick to the east coast. 4-7 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

Easily have done over 15 orders over the years and most def would recommend this source.

I recommend shopping here!
PermaBulking's picture
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Trenjamin215's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Received my 10th or so order over the last year yesterday, on time as usually. Always 4 days to my mailbox, on this 9month blast I have gone from 31 percent body down to 9.6, I’m 5,8 180 pounds lean, absolutely dick skin shredded, my usual orders consist of, test e, tren a and mast e, this last order got some anavar to finish this blast off, ran test at 900 mast at 600 and tren at 525 until I had to drop it after 12 weeks, absolutely best and most cost affective I have seen, blood work looks good, my test is off the charts so high they can’t even give me an accurate number, highly recommend anyone and everyone to order from 87, way better quality then the local guy at your gym hitting you over the head at $50-70 for some test. I will never go anywhere else. Everyone I know now runs gear from PA.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E
Tren A
Mast E
Anavar 50

What a monster of a cycle, feel like a god and look better every day

Customer service

If I do need to send an email he responds within 24 hrs
Do yourself a favor and get a pronton mail email, for your sake and everyones, it’s safest

Shipping and Delivery

To my door in 4 days, very nice discrete packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Gettinit's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my first order with 87 and could not be happier!!! Labs don't lie!!The order took 11 days total and he threw in an extra Test Prop for the extra day I guess and taking so long ro pic up Funds I get I'm not his only customer.......

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have labs drawn yesterday which was Thursday. I am in Week #4 of Test Enth 600 mg a week. Labs capped out at 3000 and it's pegged out at 3000 my estrogen is at 59 on 12.5 mg of his Aromasin eod. I was trying to cut the pills in half and do 6.25 Ed but could not get a consistent cut on the pills there scored but still hard to cut which is fine with me bro.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is good as far as I'm concerned on my second order he picked up funds the 4th day after I sent them WU. Which is fine by me. My old ass needs to figure out BTC because I will be ordering more.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I'm putting on here it arrived on time because it was only a day late and I would not feel justified checking the box saying it showed up sooner than expected when it did not. The time for me is ok, I'm older and patient and realized I'm not his on customer!!!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Fair enough on the price no doubt 20$ pr vial on Test Enth 300!! 35$ on the Deca 300 as well!! And the Deca is legit as well I will be giving blood this weekend because of the Deca/Test combo has RBC almost a whole point high. Just check my labs below. Any feedback on my labs is also appreciated as I am hear to learn how to do things better and get healthy not die of a heart attack. I'm 52 now and grateful to feel and be able to push as hard as I am lately. Currently in week #9 of a bulk and up 7 lbs. I will be working with someone to really dial my diet in this coming week as well!! Thank you 87 for your service and awesome affordable products!!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/24/2024 - 18:46
Leongym's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

1st time ordering, and very impressed with the service and quality of product. I did a 16 week Test Cyp only cycle, at 800 mg a week. Energy, strength, lean muscle went way up, about 15 LBS. Pinned smooth, with minimal to no pip at all.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test Cyp 250. Equal to if not better than pharmacy grade test. Strength, energy, and size was through the roof. Got excellent gains running the Test Cyp at 800mg a week.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication was top notch, with all question answered quickly, and precise.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Arrived in under a week from processing the order. Very impressed with how secure, and quick everything was.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The quality of everything, and the prices are spot on. Highly recommended

I recommend shopping here!
GarytheGreen's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

I've ordered several times from 87 and he has never failed to deliver! His Test E 300 has shown its effectiveness during my TRT routine. Energy is way up, libido is through the roof, steady lean muscle gain. Pip is minimal if you know what you're doing. You've got a long-term customer here!

Products, effectiveness and results

Top-notch quality as expected.

Customer service

Fast and professional communication

Shipping and Delivery

Insanely fast T/A and discreet packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

Attached blood work is 150mg Test E/Week

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/23/2024 - 22:49
  • Gettinit » Love seeing labs bro I just ran labs on 600 mg test e a week and they were pegged out at 3000 and his Aromasin is good as well had me at 59 on estro at 12.5 eod +1
Natty78's picture
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  • Natty78 » Ordered and received order within a week. Test cypionate and NPP a couple weeks into this cycle. Feel great libido is good! I do recommend! Fast from order to delivery .
Patshiv7's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great products: Test Cyp, Tren E, EQ. Came super fast great communication. Order directions super simple. So far have only tried the Tren and cyp will update on EQ, but this is the best cyp and Tren I have ever ran. Vascularity and growth has been ridiculous. Sexual demon on the tren, craving fat women idk why it’s weird but I am going for it. Appetite has increased dramatically.

Products, effectiveness and results

Amazing! No pip, I am always prone to PIP but have had none. Got a couple free cialias sample which was nice. All vials are clean and proper no damage to vials or anything. Quality of Tren E and Cyp are best I have ever had. Making ridiculous gains, veins I never had are popping up. Libido has increased dramatically. Hinge standards have dropped significantly, overall recently from the sauce have been attracted to big boobs and have been matching with big booby girls. Feel great, excelling in work and confidence is through the roof. Excited to see how it continues, crazy increase in appetite and horny as hell. Want to eat or have sex 24/7. Sleep has not been affected too bad I’m sensitive to compounds so 200mg Tren E a week with 200 cyp at 205 and have gained 4 pounds while trying to be restrictive calorically. Will update when I add in the EQ as well

Customer service

87 is the goat. I was so nervous about ordering but man was communication on point but he shipped so fast and everything, will definitely be ordering more asap.

Shipping and Delivery

Within 3 days of ordering! Was blown away at how fast turn around was. Everything was organized super professional and nicely protected. No damage to anything and discrete.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/27/2024 - 22:00
jimmyped1's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This was my first order from PA and it went smoothly. I received the order within 10 days and got a few extra cialis with it. I ordered test e, deca, eq, anadrol, and Superman. I love the pumps and strength increase from this cycle. I'm 6 weeks in to a 16 week cycle and have 12 solid pounds with minimal water retention. Oily skin is there, fortunately I have never had acne. Everything pins well with no pip. This anadrol is the only oral I've tried from PA so far and I have had no heart burn issues like I've had with other sources.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test e 300, deca 300, and eq 300. Anadrol 50 and superman's. I take lower doses and respond well to 1cc of each a week split into two doses. 50mg anadrol a day for 4 weeks to kickstart the cycle. Great strength, aggression, vascularity, libido, and killer pumps.

Customer service

Excellent customer service. Emailed 87 once with a question and he responded back very quickly. No concerns here. Received the order within a few days of it being shipped and 10 days from ordering

Shipping and Delivery

Discreet and well packaged. Everything came secured and unlikely to break or be damaged in transit.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will definitely be ordering again, but still have a bit of time to finish this cycle and rest on trt before ordering again. Prices are the best I've seen for a domestic source.

I recommend shopping here!
Slim0983's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

So far I have had a great experience with pureanabolics, I just placed my second order and have been using the products from my first order for going on 6 weeks now.
Ordered Test C 250 and Aromasin.

I can't put a comment in the price to performance block so I will put it here, the price is almost exactly what I was paying at the pharmacy but now I don't have a monthly subscription to pay and I feel exactly like I did on pharma grade.

Products, effectiveness and results

I haven't gotten bloodwork to check my numbers but I switched from pharma grade from my trt clinic to 87's products and it's been almost 6 weeks and I feel great. All the sides I had on pharma grade are still there, oily skin and acne all stayed the same so I'm confident the gear is accurately dosed. I will be getting bloodwork soon to verify my numbers before I add on the anavar from the order I just placed.

Customer service

My first order I was a little anxious because it was my first time ordering UGL and I emailed a few times and got timley responses and 87 provided me tracking even though it wasn't really necessary as it had only been a few days. The quick responses and tracking made me feel a lot more comfortable about the transaction.

Shipping and Delivery

Order was received 5 days after placing my order and packaging was discrete.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I plan to continue using pureanabolics for the foreseeable future, the product is great, prices can't be beat and the shipping is fast and I would absolutely recommend anyone looking for a new source give pureanabolics a shot.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/18/2024 - 23:07
Mburd001's picture
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zero97orangeoutfit7243's picture
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Rbm44's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Ordered 4 times in last 4 months. Every order was smooth sailing. Ordering process in seamless and easy to understand. The one time I emailed 87 , got reply back within 24 hours. He is busy man and for him to take his time and answer my email ,shows you he is serious about his business.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ordered test e , oral dbol, deca and tren e. Ran a 3 month cycle test at 750 a week, deca at 400 a week, dbol ran for first month pills split in half twice a day and tren at 300 a week. All injections were split into twice a week. I started this cycle at 222 , I'm 5'9". But most of my weight was in my stomach area. Lost all fat in stomach area and actually went from 38 in waist to a 34 in. End cycle weighed 218. I can say all of 87s products did what they were supposed to do. Would recommend his products to anyone.

Customer service

You really don't need to ever talk to 87 just order your products and they will show up.

Shipping and Delivery

Received all packages In a very timely manner. And packaging was bulletproof.

Price to performance
Additional comments

87 is only source I order from . Unless he doesn't have what I need. You can not beat 87s quality and prices

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/14/2024 - 18:02