John_Connor's picture
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Hey guys - so I’m competing for strongman and was thinking of jumping on some of the good sh!t - Been natural for about 2 years now. I’m after some good stacks to run. I asked a bodybuilder friend what is a good stack for strength and he replied with this:

Start off on P/W
300mg test
200mg mast
50Mg tren
25mg proviron

And then increase the aas over a phased periodisation plan.

Can anyone recommend a decent stack or agree with the above? Don’t want to ruin my cardio for events and most defo don’t want to implement tren as it done just that !

I am 102kg (going for u100kg) if that helps.

Thanks in advance guys

press1's picture

I am guessing you are wanting to make sure you do not get any heavier then bud? Do you need to get a lot stronger yet in things like deadlifts, squats and overhead press? I would scrap the trenbolone mate, 50mg per week will do nothing and it will hamper your progress in terms of being fit for the events.

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John_Connor's picture

Yeah ideally. I mean things are moving fairly smooth and I’m progressing great but just want to get incredibly strong. I’ve heard great things about halo and anadrol…

laxman3221's picture

Is this your first cycle?

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John_Connor's picture

No mate. I’ve cycled loads of compounds before. But I am about 2 years natty so probably good to say first lol

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