7gothic's picture
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You've just finished your cycle. It's been 3 weeks since your last injection, and your PCT is well under way. NOW what? You've already dropped a few pounds. Your bench has gone down by 10%, and you don't have that Superman feeling you had 2 months earlier. Your arms look smaller, and you aren't getting the compliments at work that were pouring in by the hour before. Your brain is telling you to wait another 6 weeks before you cycle again, but your heart and ego are screaming for another round. You've got plenty of gear stashed, and every morning when you reach for the coffee, there it is in the kitchen cupboard just staring at you...calling out, saying..."Hey buddy, I can end all of this misery right now. Just shoot me, and you'll be king again, and all the people who have been disrespecting you will get fadded into Oblivion."
Tempting isn't it?
But right now is the time to plan and lay the groundwork for the next cycle. AND..more importantly, it's the time to heal. After months of brutal, gut-busting workouts that have taken an incredible toll on your joints, and muscles that have grown familiar with the the patern of training you've used, you NEED this time off.
The first thing you need to do, is get as far away from the gym as possible for at least a week---preferably 10 days. I usually take 2 weeks off. That means no gym..NOTHING. No weights, no cardio, no You Tube vids of bodybuilders. Take your mind as far away from lifting as you can get it. So naturally, that also means no strict diet. Order pizza. Eat doughnuts. And watch yourself shrink. Yep, I said watch yourself shrink.
"But Goth...why would you tell me to do that? I'm trying to get buff...not blubbber."
That's right, and by taking this time off from everything to do with bodybuilding/fitness, you will prime your mind for a cycle far more effective. Without a mental and physical layoff, you are going to burn out. Trust me, I've been there.
After a week of beer, pizza, and porn, it's time to get back in the gym...but that doesn't mean to jump right back into heavy weight and super-high intensity. Doing that is only going to fry you before you start your next cycle. After I get back in the gym, I like to train at about 70% intentisity. There's no way for me to tell you what "70% intensity" is, but generally, you want to use weights that you can fairly easily do for 20 reps, yet keep the reps at only around 15. Take each set to only a slight burn. You need this type of training in order to condition the muscles and joints. I prefer to use a lot of machines and cable work during this time, saving the heavy bar work for the coming cycle when the grear is in full circulation. This is also a good time to work on the things that you probably neglect during season, like rotator cuff work, abs, stretching, and neck work.
After a few weeks of light training (conditioning), you're ready for cycle prep. The week your cycle starts, make sure you've taken in a lot of carbs and protien in preparation for your cycle frontloading. If you don't know how to properly frontload, then you need to research it. But GENERALLY, you're going to be pinning a double dose your first week, and you need to make sure you have adequate nutritional support already in place.
Lastly...DON'T WORRY about your time off cycle. That "size" you're losing is mostly just a little water (unless you're a pill-muncher who thinks oral-only cycles actually work--in which case you're fucked). Relax and trust in the fact that you'll be back on your next cycle far bigger and stronger than if you had just jumped right back on.

jp82088's picture

This some great information Thanks for posting this Smile

B52-BODY's picture


JoM's picture

Great pointer, thanks Goth.

mm50897987's picture

Hey guys,

It is best to wait 6 weeks before a new cycle? Or longer?

And how many cycles per year would be optimal?

Mike696's picture

Great info 7gothic. Will use this info for my spring cycle. Just finished my first cycle about 3 weeks ago. Definitely lost some muscle and have gained about 4lbs. Holiday meals.lol. Joined a kickboxing class last week to change things up from lifting. 4 weeks course, then go back to lifting again. Joints have been hurting so hopefully a break from weights will help. Thanks for the info

zuko89's picture

Good stuff thanks!!

zuko89's picture

Good stuff thanks!!

carlos1972's picture

At the end of my last cycle I had to stop for a week. I intented to simply reduce the weights for a couple of weeks, but the pain on every muscle and the general feeling of being burnt forced me to stop. Amazingly some of the pains got relief after I made the decision (and I was still to take the rest). It was a perfect example of being overtrained. Who said you cannot overtrain when on cycle?
From now on I will adhere to 7Gothic philosophy and take 7-10 days rest after cycle. I may even do a light week mid cycle. I guess age is also an important factor.

gorilla_cv's picture

Keep your mind strong!

DiabloStrong's picture

i finished my cycle about 17 days ago and started PCT last sunday. My question is diet for PCT and beyond, i know when i was on cycle i was eating a lot of steak and chicken everyday combined with at least 2 protein shakes. i was consuming a lot of healthy food, but i knew that because of hte cycle i'd make use of it all and damn i put on 18 pounds during cycle.

For PCT and afterwards, do i still need to eat 5-6 meals per day and consume 2x(body weight in kg) grams of protein? I want to keep at much of these gains as possible and i know that now that i'm bigger i'll have to consume more to maintain that weight.

We hear a lot about diet while on cycle, but not so much about diet during PCT and off cycle. Thanks for any replies

ironman86's picture

Good post, very informative 0.0

gatorbits's picture

Solid smart well put information ..thanks...tbh this post was a major reason why I just joined ..looking to be apart of the kodiak family soon!.;)

Owes a Review × 1
lion260's picture

Not a bad post or outlook. Myself I don't like to take that much time off from lifting. Always have to ease back into it joint wise with a bunch of time off. Definitely wise to lower the weight and hit a few more reps though and check the superman complex after being off!

killintime's picture

great post goth,i am gonna do this on this cycle im starting now.you have said it in such a way i feel i have to do this after cycle or pay.thanks for writing this.

Braxbrah's picture

damn, just how much of those gains do you lose?

First cycle will be 12 weeks of test e for me followed by a flawless PCT. How much of a drop can one expect to suffer in LBM over the coming weeks?

Great post also because discipline and patience is everything.

joker's picture

I loose about an average of 15lbs each pct. But I look trimmed when I'm on pct. Nothing fits me properly have to wear belts to ke up pants and those dam t-shirts you stretched out during cycle now look sloppy. It's no worry though goth is dead right! I eat like shit but with in a certain level. And I still look trimmed, I always want to cheat but I try my best not to. It really is worth the wait. Once you start cycle again OMG ladies watch out and anyone that downsized you. In like 3 weeks your blown up again and so energized and pumped its like your first all over but better.

Undertaker's picture

Alot of that will depend on your diet during and after cycle

woody51's picture

this is just great, when i had my first non planning cycle, this post is everything i felt, i was very insecure abou tmy body, thank you very much been very helpful, will try this after i plan my proper cycle and pct.

hugetom's picture

You've just finished your steroid cycle. Now what? Now switch to HGH as it is better :))

steveless's picture

that is what i am going to try next!! I have just been reading a ton about it!! cant wait to try.

joker's picture

Read up with muta, he's legit and can give you some good advice. His rips have great reviews...

steveless's picture

Thanks for the info!! I feel so good right now on this cycle that i am afraid to come off!! But I know all good things have to end..

94632733's picture

hey bro ive got an ab hcg im never going 2 use pm me if u want it for free, expires in

Bruins77's picture

The time off is one of the easiest things we can do however for many of us it's one of the hardest. For months we are on a "diet, train, rest" mode and now I'm supposed to take it easy?! Answer......yes. Thanks for posting.

queenxena's picture


levelup's picture

Time + PCT = time off, blood test to confirm levels have returned to normal. Was waiting for a more experienced person to answer but youve been waiting 2 days. You can find info in the threads to back this up

levelup's picture

If you are taking 20 weeks off you are exceeding this guideline so it looks like you are good to go

DiabloStrong's picture

thanks for posting this!

wildaussie's picture

Just found this, fantastic advice!!!

xroids's picture

It would be good to take a 12 week break and get on some clomid and nolva.It will jumpstart your testis.

good to go's picture

That is some great advice. REALLY GOOD SHIT...

landojacked's picture

Just make sure your little break doesnt turn into a few months due to depression you might feel comeing off your cycle..Then its a long hard road back..I personally keep going to the gym and changing up my workout to a less stressful regemin..dedication is wat it takes..

wildaussie's picture

so true man!

Sir William's picture

nice post bro!

kevdawg's picture

I couldn't agree with you more. I like to get a little cardio in as well during my 3 weeks off. I mean a little cardio too. Just feeling the blood flow feels good.

morph's picture

I've found similar results and was actually able to get stronger by doing more compound exorcises and strengthening my weakpoints, while doing a bulking diet of 4850calories a day(12 meals, 31g protein, 7g essentail fat, 37carbs) and have put on 3lbs in 3days of doing so while getting stronger!

BuryMeBig's picture

Couldn't have said it better myself. Don't worry about the ego; sure your minds probably all fucked up and addicted to the amazing feeling the juice brings but in the long run, it will reap more benefits!

Heathen's picture

Awesome advice. This holds true no matter what sport you are training in. Take some time off and just say FUCK IT. Gives your body a chance to catch up to where your mind has pushed it. Amazingly you sometimes might find you come back even stronger instead of weaker. You def will not lose much in a mere 2 weeks. Might feel like you are though. Either case if you are of alpha male genetics, you will soon find yourself chomping at the bit to get back on your training regime. This desire will propel you to the next Plateau. While you stand on said plateau looking down upon where you once previously toiled. Don't forget to take a moment to enjoy the rewards of your hard work and again say "FUCK IT" for another brief moment. Go to the bar, order a cheeseburger with bacon, drink some brews, strut your stuff and take home the hottest thing you can convince to be yours for the night. Call off sick from work the next day. Spend the day watching tv on the couch or just sunning on the beach doing a whole bunch of nothing. Works for me!

BigZ's picture

I can't agree with you more brother! What people forget about is that off cycle has its own list of things to do just like being on cycle. You can't allow yourself to think your superman and invincible or you will end up hurting a joint and killing all your gains in the gym for a long time to come. I've seen it happen to many times and it's usually with the younger guys so if your early 20's or a beginner read this and love it cuz it will save your ass some day. Enjoy the gains on your cycle, and the high reps low weight burns of being off your cycle and trying to catch your joints back up to the muscle mass you have gained. Go slow and in the end you'll be 10x healthier than the abusers in the gym that wreck there bodies in 5yrs and have bitch tits the rest of their lives cuz they don't wana work out anymore!
Nuthn but luv,

Pelon's picture

So you are saying off cycle you shouldn't train hard? How does one keep their gains?

7gothic's picture

People think they lose muscle the instant they quit training.
What they are really losing is a little water. There is no substitute for taking time off to heal, just as there is no substitute for taking time off from steroids to allow receptor sites to clear.
You may lose a half-inch from your arms, but you'll gain twice that back in the first two weeks back on schedule.

alan k's picture

I just came of 8 weeks of tren which worked great,but being 50 if I dont go to the gym everyday I lose it very quick,I did my max naturaly two years a go with out steriod, so why quit when your of them.

Pelon's picture

What if you plan on not cycling more than once a year and are mainly just looking for a boost to get the ball rolling type thing

getsome's picture

I'm going to tattoo this s* backwards on my forehead so that I read it every morning when I shave.