Tojasco's picture
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High blood pressure


What do you guys do for high blood pressure? I can't donate blood because of being jaundiced from hep a 30 years ago.

Eagles 2013's picture

Have you had blood work done to see if high hematocrit is what is driving it up? In the past I suffered 4 full on seizures due to sky high hematocrit levels (my fault for not monitoring), so I know all too well the dangers of high hematocrit levels. But, it is also very possible to have high blood pressure with normal hematocrit levels. I would advise you to see a doctor or go to a local clinic. Your blood pressure could very well be regulated with very cheap generic meds, or you could have a phlebotomy or two done which is where they take your blood just like a donation but dispose of it instead of adding it to donor banks.

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Muffins's picture

So, can we assume it is hematocrit being high, since you can’t donate blood? Just let your own blood out. Obviously, be careful and do your research. Some of us here have had to resort to such tactics.

Then evaluate what it is you’re doing. When I got to this stage, it opened my eyes to the level of abuse that was taking place. You can’t even donate so different story. At least, adjust your cycles/blasts to account for this issue.

Tojasco's picture

The thing is it was EQ 600 mg wk 10 weeks and test e 400 mg wk 12 weeks. My blood pressure went back to normal and liver is fine btw. No damage at all. Non drinker non smoker. Hematocrit was 46.5. 51 is high. MCV and Mch were high though. Test was over 1500. I average 500 on test. Which is great for my age. Always been semi fit. Just trying to stay that way. Starting a cycle soon and want to head off the high BP. Test and deca. 12 -14 weeks 600 and 500

Sam I Am's picture

Watch your diet. Mine has dropped alot since I started watching my sodium
Dope suggested higher potasium. I'd personally back the cycle down if it's that high.

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Fangsharp's picture

My personal experience is I had BP issues fixed before my cycle. Dr. prescribed. I was running 190-200 over 110ish. Way too high. Ive had it stabilized 130's over 80's for a couple years before I ran my cycle. Health is wealth. During cycle it did not rise or fluctuate.

Makwa's picture

How high are we talking here? Is your BP always high or just when running a cycle?

Tojasco's picture

Just on cycle. 120/70 normal. 160/90 on cycle

Fangsharp's picture

Hell I didn't know or even think mine was high until a month of headaches and the sound of water swishing in my ears everytime my heart beat. Have no idea how long it was high. I had to get meds. I had no energy for a month or 2 getting used to lower BP. Rough round

dextetherdog's picture

I would not mess around with high blood pressure. Would rather recommend to get you doc to monitor this instead of self medicating. Too many people die from all the cardiovascular diseases nowadays, arteriosclerosis etc, quite a scary thing.

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Sam I Am's picture


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stairmaster's picture

B12 , Fish Oil , Vit C , Bisoprolol (You get it from your doc, a good allrounder against high bp)

left4dead's picture

I use fish oil , coq10 ,and cardio . My father had very high blood pressure not from gear but from anxiety, 1gr of hawthorn berry brought him to the normal range in a week .

whoremoans's picture

that coq better be high dose. Talking over 500mg min

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stairmaster's picture

I wouldn't do cardio before I don't know the reason for the high bp.

left4dead's picture

So basically a bp med is better? I dont have high blood pressure by the way,these are a part of my daily routine and what I believe helps me not get even a slight increase in bp. I see people commenting lisinopril,thats more dangerous in my opinion. My cardio is just a 1hour dog fast walk ,nothing dramatic,and im sure it plays its part

GizmoDuck's picture

Straight up need to go see a Doc if you got high blood pressure given your liver issues. And, since you can’t donate you might wanna be careful or even stay away from certain things. Don’t mess with your health. Jaundice ain’t no joke.

Tojasco's picture

Not at the moment. But it's happened in the past. Someone suggested donating blood. I needed another way

Bill G's picture

Have you checked into self bleeding? There is a kit you can buy. Ive seen some members here will do it. Use the search function up top there was a post not to long ago about it

Greg's picture

And use the search function to find hundreds of more discussions.