Jackedmode's picture
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Hey guys, general advice needed please. So I was 12 weeks into my 3rd cycle and I ran into a little trouble with the law and abruptly had to go to jail for 35 days. So exactly 5 wks ago was my last pin of Sus/750mg and Tren E/300mg wk. I obviously wasn't running Tren off rip but started it in wk 8. Week 1-4 was 50mg dbol Kickstart with 500mg Sus then jumped up to the 750mg Sus. Anyways I had my PCT on hand but with the interruption wasn't able to put it to use. At this point can I jump back in? I have plenty of gear, Aromisan, Nolva, Clomid. Just don't know if my body's endocrine system needs more time to reset or not. BTW I'm 48 yrs old and have never really even had an bad sides or needed PCT but decided to have everything on deck this time around. Thanks for any advice.

Jockstrap's picture

No. Youre shutdown and catching po po attention. Lmao.

Wheres your pct?

Jackedmode's picture

Jockstrap you might be dead on with that, lmao
But on the real pct is on hand, clomid, Nolvadex and was using aromasin on cycle but that's why I reached out to you guys for info and opinions. Gains were really starting to take off at week 10-12 and had jumped from 214 to 234. I haven't lost any gains yet but I really wanted to give ahead and run another 8 weeks but I just don't know if that's a totally wrong route to go because I don't want to fuck my body. I was thinking about what Ross said and just run 1g of sus/week and 25-50mg dbol/day. I mean I still have tren as well but I just don't know what I should do. Just giving up on this cycle is not what I want to do but I also want to be wise.

23Sparta's picture

Can’t be running gear and catching cases. These two things do not go hand in hand

Jackedmode's picture

This is true 23Sparta but in my defense it wasn't a new case. Old shit popped up on me.

23Sparta's picture

Alright well, hopefully you got all of your wants, warrants and liens taken care of then

Rosschestzip's picture

Tren is like the xanex of steroids. Guys take tren and wake up with a few cases lol

23Sparta's picture

I mean, I can see it but I’ve never seen it. If one was gonna get me in trouble, tren would be that guy. I’ve had some incidents

NWApatches's picture

I got out in 21. Ran trenbolone for the first time. Haven't been to court since. Not caught a sanction. Nothing. Trenbolone turned me into a pillar of the society, upstanding citizen

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NWApatches's picture

This is true. I seen a lot of shit behind the fence but never no vials

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23Sparta's picture

Naw man, me either. All those years, I’ve only ran into a few dudes that used gear and none that were in there because of it

NWApatches's picture

Why would you run tren enanthate at week 8?

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Jackedmode's picture

NWApatches, after the water retention from the dbol and Sus wks 1-8 (dbol 1-4) I figured the Tren would be good to lean and dry me out. I'm on here to learn from those with more experience and good advice so I make better choices further out.

NWApatches's picture

No that wasn't good. You shoulda ran tren with the sus. High test is going to have you hold water and you diet. And in the situation like your talking you should have went acetate not enanthate. You caught a sanction or what why'd you just chill for 35 days

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Jackedmode's picture

NWApatches thanks for the advice. The situation was something where a court ordered me into a treatment facility for a technical violation of probation so I was confined for the 35 days and no access to my gear or pct.

Rosschestzip's picture

Do you think it’s a coincidence that week 8 he starts tren, week 12 he’s In jail? lol

Jackedmode's picture


23Sparta's picture

Please tell me you still trained while you were on vacation

Jackedmode's picture

23Sparta yes most definitely all calisthenics but luckily I was able to get outside for 20 min twice a day to hit a pull-up bar so various grips, push-ups,body squats, walking lunges ect to failure. Actually got sore a couple of times and as I said before I had started at 214 and got up to 236 and have maintained 232 as of now. But I feel like I was really starting to get there in very noticeable gains and it just sucks I got interrupted and would like to continue another 8 wks really but I'll stop if its just not a good Idea and pct and pick up in 6wks.

23Sparta's picture

Ah yeah, +1 for staying savage. Respect. Haha, those movements are my foundation. I was built up on pull-up bar with a bag of dirt tied around my waist and down on the ground pressing with my partner standing on my back

Wait…. PCT and jump back on in 6wks is a better idea than just staying on?

You’re 48, what are you even PCTing back to? What are your natty t-levels?

Pumped_'s picture

Soon as tren kicked in , slapped the wife? 35 days no bail till pretrial conference? Lol

Jackedmode's picture

Pumped, haha very funny but the bitch wouldn't hawk tuah!! Lmao

Pumped_'s picture
NWApatches's picture

Haha! Can't handle his trenbolone, stay off it!

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Greg's picture

Negged the post because you made a second account contrary to the rules.

Jackedmode's picture

Sorry about that Greg, forgot my username and tried to retrieve it unsuccessfully as I could only retrieve password. I must of missed that rule about 2nd account. My bad.

Greg's picture
Jackedmode's picture

Oh shit thank you Greg. So now I can just delete this account now. That's the thing to do right?

Rosschestzip's picture

You could start pct or you could start your cycle up again, I wouldn’t really count it as “continuing” because you probably only have a small amount of the long ester test from the Sustanon left in you, which is a small amount to begin with. Idk if I’d recommend using tren at all, I usually don’t really recommend orals for a third cycle either but if you have to use one or the other, I’d probably go dbol. Or just the test

Jackedmode's picture

Ross thanks for actually giving me an answer to my question. I thought that's what the forum was all about not about dumbass comments about why or how I ended up in jail like anyone plans on that, shit happens that was out of my control.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya no problem bud, those guys aren’t wrong and you shouldn’t be cycling when you have chances of going to jail but I know those kinds of answers won’t really do you any good and it’s too late for that, we’re here now and you wanna know what to do moving forward, I get it man.

Jackedmode's picture

Ross,your absolutely correct and believe me it's not like I had any inclination of what the court wanted to do with me but shit happened and I'm just trying to make a wise decision for my health sake. I really do appreciate any and all advice that is given. I can laugh about the comments even though they're not accurate they are funny as hell. I also apologized about the 2nd account thing attempting to get back in good graces with you all.

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