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30 years of training...30 days of AAS


After about 30 years of training, I'm in the midst of my first AAS cycle.
I figure even if the horror stories about steroids are true, then it doesn't matter. I mean, between a wife who bitches all the time and a 600hp Mustang, I don't have much longer to live anyway.
I'm a guy with opinions, and I'll be voicing plenty of them. I recently watched "Bigger, Faster, Stronger", and I realized two things afterwards::: Politicians are all dirtbags and liars (already kinda knew that), and the dangers of steroids are 99.99999999% hype.
My first Experience with online AAS has not been a positive one. I've heard people say this guy underdoses....., but I'd say it's more like UNdosed. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is what brand of motor oil the guy has sent me (let's face it--it's the Middle East--Crisco must be a real bitch to get, but Castrol GTX should be plentiful over there). Either way, 250 mg of Sust EOD should at least do something.
I'm very glad to have found this sight, as the others will ban you for speaking the truth. Lies are fine as long as they glorify their sponsors.

47 yrs. old
5' 6"
12% BF
183 lbs
19" ripped arms...the rest is in need of a stimulus package.
Former ADFPA powerlifter.